View Full Version : Collapsed in the road

01-08-08, 07:26

I don't come on here too much these days - usually only when things are going well, so i can share in my joy and inspire others. However, yesterday I had a very bad anxiety attack and it's set me back a lot.

I was playing football - for about 10 minutes - and i was very hot. I decided to stop there, because i was starting to feel quite light-headed. I began walking home - literally 30 seconds walk. I began to cross the road (a very very small road, not that busy) and i just felt my head go completely and my legs gave way. I collapsed onto the ground. I was lying in the middle of the road. That was scary, because it was dangerous. I had to shuffle myself across as far as possible to the side of the road. That's when people finally came to help me.

So, my worst nightmare finally came true! my actual biggest phobia is crossing roads - for some reason that has always been that way. I struggle to cross roads on my own, sometimes find it hard enough when accompanied. People have often asked me what could possibly happen when crossing these roads. Well, yesterday was EXACTLY what could happen! me collapsing or having an anxiety attack in the middle of the road. For those, who say it wont happen - well, it DID!

Anyway, that's me feeling sorry for myself. More seriously, though, I spent the rest of the day trying to recover and feeling lost. I've spent the past 6 months or so doing amazing things in my recovery and then something like this happens and i don't know what to do.

One thing, though, i made sure i went out for a walk when i felt a little better, because i needed to get back out asap to make sure i wasnt being beaten by it. No avoidance.

Well, that's my little rant over, hopefully you're not all more depressed now for my depression!


01-08-08, 08:37
Hi Gregor,

You poor thing, I know what it is like to have your worst fear happen to you, mine is a fear of fainting when I'm out and people used to tell me that it wouldn't happen but it did so I know how you feel.

Well done on going out for a walk I think that you done the right thing because we all know avoiding things only adds to our problems.

I hope you feel better soon


01-08-08, 09:56

Glad to hear you picked yourself up and went straight back out and faced your fear once again. This is the very best thing to do.

I used to be a pro gymnast when I was younger and I've learnt that doing these things is the best thing you can do. When having a bad fall,.. we were told to get straight back up and do it again, before the fear could take over, fight the fear and repeat it again, it's then usually overcome.

I do use this method all the time now, we have to keep going and not let these fears win.

You're doing brilliantly. Well done :yesyes: xx