View Full Version : High blood pressure!!

03-05-05, 15:50
Hi, Ive just been to the local college to have an aromatherapy massage done...before the massage the girl asked me loads of medical questions and checked my blood pressure...she said it was really high so she checked again...still very high!!I was like **** great dont tell me that!, she had to check that she could still do the massage coz ur not meant to if blood pressure is high!!but the tutor said it was ok!Im freaking myself out now she even did it after the massage and it was still high!!and I felt quite calm!im gona go the docs coz last time he did it he said it was fine!.what does it mean if you have high blood pressure, what do you have to do? X

03-05-05, 16:29
Anxiety sufferers often have blood pressure, though not 100% of the time. It can shoot up quite a lot when we feel anxious or nervous. Did you feel anxious at all before the massage? :D

03-05-05, 16:42

my dad had his taken on fri in our local chemist, it was really high to the point that she said he should go to the hospital, well he went and they took it and said it was normal.

i would only have it taken by someone who is trained to do it and read the results correctly

all this caused my dad to worry for nothing

love Jane

03-05-05, 16:48

Make an appt with your surgery to have it checked there again.

A diagnosis of high blood pressure can not be made on one set of readings - especially not by a student beautician.

If it were high, you might need a tablet to help bring it down initially and then you can help yourself to keep it down by diet and lifestyle changes.

Let us know what is the outcome.


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03-05-05, 18:38
thanx for your posts guys, im going to the doctors tommorow to get it taken by him, I dont think that they should be allowed to do that in college it causes people worry!!I'll let you know what the doc says X

03-05-05, 18:50
Hi Kirgray,
sorry you are having a bad time - i think it's really bad that a student beautician should be allowed to take your blood pressure, my youngest daughter is due to take her course shortly and none of this was even mentioned - she's nearly 17, but is definately NOT qualified to take blood pressure reading etcs. try not to worry too much (easier said than done) and keep in touch -