View Full Version : bruising after deep massage

01-08-08, 10:19
Hiya ...I went 4 a deep muscle massage yesterday as Im so tense due 2 my anxiety .....It was very painful which I expected as I am very tense ..I woke up this morning and im covered in huge red bruises and very very tender.

Does any1 know if the bruising is normal as I wasnt expecting it so bad x

Hope every1 is ok x:yesyes:
Titch xxxxx

01-08-08, 10:33

I used to be an Aromatherapist in Sports Massage.

Did the therapist go through a Consultation with you beforehand ? Some don't, which I believe is wrong and some rush through without taking much care.

They should have asked if you bruised easily. Was you aware that you bruise easily? I'm not saying it's anything to worry about, it's just that some people do so more than others. I do too.

I wouldn't have thought there's much harm done, only of course you will ache for afew days.

It's best that when you next go for something like this, to make the therapist aware of just how much you do bruise.

Some Therapists can be quite big and obviously much stronger, I'm small and as far as i'm aware this never happened to any clients of mine, but I know that it can be quite common if the pressure was intense.

Hoping you feel better soon.:flowers:

01-08-08, 10:58
Thank you ..yeah had consultation but wasnt asked about bruising .
I do bruise quite easily and the pain was intense because I am so tense I could feel it very deep .was just shocked at how bruised i am on my buttocks and around my rib x
Thanx 4 reply xxx
Titch xxx

01-08-08, 12:26
On your buttocks and around your ribs ?:ohmy: Was they massaging your ribs and buttocks ?

Or do you mean your ribs ache because of the pressure they were applying on your back ? And with your buttocks, I hope they wasn't massaging your entire butt ! Because all this would be wrong.

01-08-08, 13:22
yeah she did all my body well from shoulders 2 top of buttocks .she did my ribs as ive had a lot of pain there she said it felt like a small dislocation and there was a lot of tension and calcium build up.she did my spine neck shoulders back ribs and top of buttocks x the works x

01-08-08, 14:01
Not the front of your ribs then ? Because this would be pretty worrying.
That's what I was confused about.

Have no idea why she thought you had a dislocation in your ribs (because this would be impossible), but hey :shrug:... maybe she meant a knot within the back/rib area.

Have you thought that maybe it could be possible you have a hair line fracture in your rib area caused by something you've done? Or it could be just a knotted muscle, caused by physical stress.

I don't know just trying to understand that's all.

01-08-08, 14:20

I also can't handle deep tissue massages. I have never bruised from one but I actually get ill from all the toxins that are released and get horrendous headaches. I will say while getting the deep tissue it feels very good as they are getting rid of all the built up tension but then the pain afterwards (next day) just isn't worth it. Just so you know, I also have never had my upper buttocks massaged. Guess every therapist is different though. Hope you feel better soon.


01-08-08, 14:21
By the way, it wasn't under a red light was it ? :yahoo:

Sorry,.. am just kidding :) .

02-08-08, 00:08
haha no red lights .well not that i remember but I was lookin down in pain hahha .....im so confused she a very reputable person but just found the pain 2 intense ......it was side of rib i was lying on front and she was massaging well grinding my side of rib .......must admit it is bit beter 2day just bruising horrendous and painfull and top of buttocks killin .......pics on facebook if u a member lol xx

03-08-08, 22:55
I had a massage once and the lady massaged me right on my bum cheek to try and help my legs at the time

Cathy V
04-08-08, 00:09
After i moved over to germany last year my partner thought it would be a good idea to book me in to have a massage as id become quite stressed and needed to relax. Ive never had a massage before in uk or anywhere else so i thought maybe it was time. I was expecting to be in a room with soft lights and music, but i ended up in a room full of equiptment with a sport masseuse and she pummelled me half to death! I gave it three sessions before i gave up...it hurt toooo much! i didnt bruise (which surprised me coz i also bruise easily) but it took days for the pain to subside after each session. maybe she was used to massaging footballers, but how can this cross over from injured sports people to ordinary folk who only want a relaxing experience? Surely the masseuse knows the difference?

05-08-08, 20:32
I can remeber when i had my massage i had pulled some muscles and the woman massaged them back in by basically pushing on that area really hard and i did bruise where she did that.

24-03-09, 14:33
Hi, I had a sports massage on Sunday (2 days ago) and have been in agony since
just found bruising too on my lower back ( I don't usually bruise easily) and the actual massage was agony too!
I've never felt like pain like it before !!