View Full Version : Rash on fingers

01-08-08, 15:07
Hi all,

Over the past week I've been coping well with my health anxieties but today I've got myself a bit freaked out with a skin complaint. I think I've had it before but on a much smaller scale. I'll explain as best as I can.

On the 4 fingers of my right hand I have developed a rash this morning which appears to be getting worse. It's only on the nail side- not on the other side and not on my thumb at all nor the rest of my hand. On my left hand I didn't think it there but on closer inspection I can see it and it appears to be around the nails themselves.

I don't know when it started as it's not really apparent under artificial light. It's only under the sunlight that I noticed it and it looks really bad. In particular my pinky and finger next to it are the worst. Again it's worse nearer the nail.

This rash is like a cluster of tiny blisters. They are not red but just the colour of my skin. Running my finger over the areas it feels very rough as they are raised.

A few months ago I had a very similar thing on my hand and it stayed for weeks. I'm hoping this is the same thing.

Has anyone else experienced this before?

All the best


01-08-08, 15:15
Not sure if it's the same, but I developed a rash... a red blotchy rash, with small wart-like blisters... running in a line, 1cm wide, from the inside of my elbow to my wrist, and over the heel of my palm, up the outside of my thumb & forefinger, to the nail, with split/cracked peeling nails on thumb & forefinger. (Apparently it follows the path of a major nerve that controls the gripping/pinching action of finger & thumb).

The doctor said it was 'shingles', caused by stress, and gave me some cream, which hasn't helped it any.

01-08-08, 16:04
I get that a lot, they are kinda watery looking ones. Apparently they are some sort of eczema that is caused by stress. I get them also when i am run down.

01-08-08, 16:24
Hi Nechtan

I have had this, is it itchy? They were very small blister like things that itched. With me it was a plaster that caused it, apparently quite a lot of people have an allergic reaction to that pinky, browny type plaster.

Sounds like an allergic reaction to me. Will prolly go away in a few days. Might help to try & remember what you had on that hand yesterday.


01-08-08, 16:35
Hi all,

Thanks for the reasuurance. I thought I was on top of my health anxiety but there is always something new to test us. I'm really annoyed and frustrated with myself for getting worked up about it but glad noe that I did ask.

@Kendo59- I have had that sort of thing in the past two but this is a different thing. To be honest if I hadn't caught it in the light I'd never have noticed.

@leonardomonkey- That is very possible. My wife and I have had a bit of a tummy bug this week so I do feel a little more run down that usual.

@Elspeth- It wasn't very itchy this time but the last time a few months ago it was. An allergic reaction is something that I am starting to think about now. I can't think of having anything on that hand in particular yesterday. The only thing I can think that is different is that my youngest daughter wet the bed yesterday which is only the second time that has happened. I had the soaking sheet in my right hand but also I am wondering whether it might have been the washing powder- I'm sure my wife would love that one. :D

I have had this before on a smaller scale very occassionally going back at least 4 years when I was working. I remember at that time I thought it was something to do with my clothes as I got it on the back of my hands a few times after I had them in my pockets.

Thanks all for the reassuring posts. It really has set my mind at rest.

All the best
