View Full Version : What just happened ?

01-08-08, 15:56
I was just stood doing some ironing when all of a suddden my head went funny, it felt like the floor was sinking underneath me, i sat down because i thought i was going to collapse, it passed quite quickly, but now i feel shaky and hot and my legs feel like jelly and i feel slightly light headed.
Of course now i am worrying about what just happened, what caused it and will it happen again.
My anxiety has been bad recently and i am putting it down to this, but i am also worrying incase it is something else.
I hate not being control of my body.
Does anyone else get this, i have had lightheadedness alot lately but nothing as bad as what just happened.


01-08-08, 16:04
Yes - I quite often get this if Im rushing about then stop to talk to someone standing up - the ground shifts beneath me and I spin and have to sit down - I try to ignore it - and not feed the fear - and it passes- were you hungry or rushing around> Wenjoy x

milly jones
01-08-08, 16:15
i get it when i need a drink or food too.

usually something sweet helps

somedays i just know i need something to eat fast

try and not get too anx about it hunny

milly xx

01-08-08, 16:17
Hi Wenjoy,

I had been rushing about a bit and have had a a bit of a headache, so maybe that didnt help, i am trying to ignore it like you do, but i still feel a bit lightheaded and its worrying me.

Thanks for replying

milly jones
01-08-08, 16:48
u drinking enough too hunny

ur brain needs water xx

Captain America
01-08-08, 16:56
i used to get this. my doctor said it could be a vaso-vagal reaction but don't believe him. it would happen to me when i'd stop after activity too. as a result i stopped being active. it's good to hear it happens to others, even though i'm sorry to hear you're going through it.
basically now i just try to slow myself down when i start getting too 'hyper' or too active. seeems to help.

01-08-08, 16:57
Strangely I had the same thing yesterday even though I was sitting down. I was on the computer at the time so put it down to the glare of the screen.

It does give you a fright and leaves the symptons you described behind. As already recommened make sure your fluid intake is OK. Since you had been rushing about you may have gotten yourself a bit out of puff without noticing it. Hopefully you will be feeling better later and if so please don't let it hold you back- just take things a little easier for a bit.

All the best


Captain America
01-08-08, 17:27
you know, now that i think about it...i think it might be a breathing thing. when i'm hyper i'm not paying attention to my breathing and i'm probably hyperventilating myself a bit. also read something interesting once about computer use...in that people tend to hold their breath while reading email. i found that i was one of those...i'd hold my breath in meetings too where i used to experience my most intense attacks before changing jobs.

so maybe it's a breathing thing? sound crazy?

01-08-08, 19:53
I think I know what you mean. Even if I have eaten enough and had enough water, if I'm just walking down to the local shop or something, I get lightheaded sometimes - apparently it is the body reacting to stress... something I have a fair bit of!! It makes me more anxious though, feeling as if I might pass out!

Also - I know that if I'm on the computer too long, I get light-headed! But that is just normal!!

Venus Calling
01-08-08, 21:40
That's interesting about holding your breath whilst reading emails - I find I barely breathe when I am at the computer and read only today that people with anxiety tend to have very shallow breathing so they breathe out more carbon dioxide than the oxygen they breathe in which can trigger the attacks. Deep breathing from the diaphragm definitely helps.