View Full Version : brain tumour

celia davies
01-08-08, 17:04
:unsure: for the past few months ive been fine but just moved to a new house an now ive been having lots of panic attacks for no reason also my top of the back of my necks killing im so scared cause also my top of my head feels funny i feel like ive got a tumour,my head feels so heavy latley an im soooooooo tired all the time does any one else have this

Captain America
01-08-08, 17:16
had it! after i started a new job...about 4 weeks into it my neck ached, and i got tingles (well it's not exactly tingles...more like a fan was blowing on it) on the top of my head.

a ct scan, an mri of the neck and mra of the brain revealed nothing except some arthritis in my neck (normal amount for my age). anxiety can do this.

i bought a neck pillow, which helps your neck muscles relax while you sleep. the cheap ones aren't comforable so if you go that route get a good one.

going to the doctor doesn't hurt though. he can feel around your neck and do some simple tests that rule out neurological bad stuff. the tests resemble the ones i took when i was suspected of drunk driving.

i passed both. :)