View Full Version : waves of exhaustion

01-08-08, 19:18
does anyone else get this, sometimes I get a feeling just like I am wiped out feel like you just cannot carry on feel all limp feel like I could just drop on the spot, this makes me very anxious and makes me panic it can happen anytime, just get an enormous wave of fatigue its happended just now home from work, cooking the tea, felt dead hot and just exhausted :scared15:

had my tea sat down on here and feeling a bit better, is this another bloomin form of this blasted panic attacks:shrug:



01-08-08, 19:32
Heather I get this. Sometimes I am just sitting there and all of a sudden I get an overwhelming urge to go to sleep. I fight and fight to keep my eyes open and then about 10 minutes later I'm fine again. SO wierd.

01-08-08, 19:41

Get this all the time!!!

It can come from panic, also low blood sugar doesn't help, so I usually have a banana, also I try and go for some fresh air in the garden or round the block.

So tempting to have a nap, but then you wont sleep at night!

Moo x

01-08-08, 19:45
Hi, yes, I get this a lot. I also get it sometimes while driving which is really scary. It happened to me yesterday while shopping and I just had to dump my basket and get out of the supermarket. It also sometimes happens at work. It also doesnt really seem to matter if I am genuinely tired or not, i.e. even if Ive had a good nights sleep the night before. It is unfortunately just another symptom of anxiety. I do find that getting some fresh air helps.

01-08-08, 19:51
Thanks you know when I was typing the query I sort of accepted that it would be another anxiety symptom, this blooming thing has me in its grip quite badly you sort of get over one symptom then another one rears its head, its a bit like that hercules tale where he is cutting off one of the monsters heads only for another two to grow in its place

Thanks again


01-08-08, 19:56
yes i know what you mean Heather. You get totally exhausted by it all, no wonder we almost collapse with tiredness. Im with you when you say that you just sort of get over one symptom and another rears it head.

01-08-08, 19:58
Here here!

Venus Calling
01-08-08, 22:26
This happens to me frequently too - but then it always had, it just seems now having been told I have a panic disorder when it happens I get worried about them when I never did before. Got to try and keep everything in proportion.

01-08-08, 22:35
hiya I get this aswell and find it hard somedays as have 2 carry on as single mom but I could just drop there and then on the spot ...then i get jelly legs which makes it worsethen i start 2 panic and think im gna collapse ...but I never have just them negative thoughts pushing through .....thats why i find it hard 2 go anywhere as i get intense fatigue and feel ill collapse on the spot ........god we are strong people for coping with what we do xx
Take care x
Titch xx

02-08-08, 00:09
Me too, i find im worse at the wrong time of the month :blush:

02-08-08, 10:58
I get this a lot too. I am agrophobic and have to force myself to go out. Once I do get out I feel overwhelmed with exhaustion and feel my legs will buckle beneath me. If there's a public bench handy I sit down and rest a while until it passes.
Anxiety and panic are exhausting on the body so it's no wonder we feel as we do.


02-08-08, 16:51
Yep count me in on this one. It is exactly that feeling that triggered my agorophobia. Worrying about being able to get back to the car/home stops me from going out much. Interestingly this type of exhaustion which is definately associated with panic and anxiety is also a symptom of fybromialgia, me, and inflammatory arthrits. I have blamed it on panic for the past 6 years along with the muscle pain I get. I have recently been diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis and according to my blood tests this has been the case for the past 6 years so it is definately worth getting things checked out. I actually feel so much better for knowing that the exhaustion is part of the arthritis. I can be so much kinder to myself now.

04-08-08, 14:03
I'm having this again today. It's crazy. I'm sat at my desk and it's been going on for about an hour now, I just feel like I NEED to close my eyees and sleep and am struggling to keep them open. I just want to go home to bed and then I know as soon as I get there I will be wide awake!

04-08-08, 19:48
thanks for all the feedback, on my next trip to the GPs I am definitely gona ask about blood test for a rheumatoid condition I wake up aching all over like when you are comin down with the flu, I have aching joints all the time and low grade flu symptoms just feel wiped out exercise makes it worse.

its a right pain this is:roflmao:



05-08-08, 09:19
Keep us updated Heather. I feel the same so it will be interesting to know what they say. I find if I exercise I just feel more tired rather than energised! You can't win can you.

05-08-08, 20:51
Hey everyone. I am agreeing with all you say. I get like this. Totally out of the blue. I will be doing the washing up or just sitting down and obviously because your mind isnt doing anything stimulating it tends to wander off and that's when i get those symptoms. Yet when I start thinking about something interesting it will go. So its obviously the anxiety thinks it can creep in when the mind is doing something boring and take over. miss_worry x

05-08-08, 22:21
I've got this at the moment but it sounds a little different to everyone else here in so much as the length it has lasted. This happened last night and lasted till I slept. This morning I expected all to be better but it's not. I'm completely washed out and struggling with the conflict of an exhausted body and over active mind.

I've had this before but it's never lasted this long. It could be that I am run down as I think I've got a bit of a bug at the moment too. The tiredness is causing me anxiety so it's creating a bit of a vicious circle as that anxiety is tiring me.

05-08-08, 22:41
I get this too....and with it comes an overwhelming urge to lie down and sleep...which I never do as I won't give in to it. I have put this down to another symptom of anxiety and usually make myself a drink with sugar in when it happens.

Kaz x

06-08-08, 09:11
kaz I know what you mean. I won't give in either, I struggle on. Because I think that if I go to sleep I won't sleep properly when I go to bed.

nechtan I know what you mean, I have felt like this the past couple of days. The tiredness really worries me as I keep thinking that normal people are never that tired. You don't see other people walking round dragging their body about which is what I usually feel like.

06-08-08, 18:29
Thanks Precious,

It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one that has felt this go on longer. To be honest I'm not sure whether it's lifting but think it is. I feel so tired that I'm not sure if it's as bad but it can't be as I couldn't even face reading a book or going on the computer when it first happened. I think we tire ourselves out so much that it's hard to see where one thing stops and another starts.

All the best
