View Full Version : heart Aniexty!

01-08-08, 19:31
can i jst run A quick Question past you all!

i suffer with terrible weird heartbeats. and im always checking my Pulse,Owever sometimes i check my pulse and my pulse has stopped but then its folllwed by A thud Like my heart has restarted But it starts really Slow.then it Has 4 short thuds, then it go's fast it scares me:( can anyone share that with me.


01-08-08, 20:20
Aww caggy you poor thing, my funny heart beats started 4 years ago and frightend the life out of me, but i went to my doc who sent me for an ecg and full blood test which were all normal, things calmed down for a while, then last year i was diagnosed with GAD, again my heart went bananas and i was constantly checking my pulse etc etc, so back to the docs and another set of bloods and ecg again all normal, so i have an idea what you are going through, my advice to you is pop and see your gp to check things out, if you read the forum youl find a section on palpitations this may also put your mind at ease
All the best POLLY

01-08-08, 20:33
Hi Caggy. I feel for you because I have had exactly as you describe for most of my life. It absolutely scared the living daylights out of me for the first few years I experienced it. I had numerous tests done and constantly took my pulse. All my tests were fine. Now after many years I finally believe that THEY ARE NOT DANGEROUS and WILL NOT KILL ME (OR YOU!!!) Many many many people get them, and many on here get them. Mine sometimes are daily, sometimes I dont get them for weeks or months. Nothing in particular seems to start them off. They just come and go. Before hand I used to completely freak out when I got them. I would totally panic, so my heart would race and then id get palpitations and next thing I know im in Casualty hooked up to machines. Everytime I was fine. Now, I dont like them, but im not scared of them anymore, but that took many years to get there. So to save you the time and anxiety that I went through beleive me when i say again, THEY ARE NOT DANGEROUS AND MANY MANY PEOPLE GET THEM. and have a :hugs: from me because I really know what your going through and its horrible. xx

03-08-08, 00:39
I too know what you are going through. Mine are not exactly the same, but I get this weird feeling of regular beat, breathlessness, and hard beat. One time it went for over 14 hours. They caught them on the machines, but told me they were harmless. Still trying to figure out what is causing them (sometimes there is no apparent cause at all).....just know you are not alone in this....


04-08-08, 12:34
Hiya hunni!! Just to let you know that your not alone. When I was pregnant with my second girl 6 years ago I started with a funny heart beat that sounded like it was missing a beat. It sounded like it would go thump, thump, thump, then pause then start again but not alway in the same rytham as sometimes it would beat normal for a while before pausing again. I had a scan, blood tests, ecg and a 24 hour monitor and they found that I actually had a doudle beat so where it was pausing it was not missing a beat but doing a double and they said it was completely normal. I still always have fears over my heart though and at the moment suffering a bit with this anxiety!! Oh to be normal.

Hope this help hun,

Po xxx