View Full Version : help !!!!

01-08-08, 23:34
Hiya me again haha
Ive ad panic agoraphobia and anxiety 4 years but worse last 6 weeks and came 2 a head 2weeks ago wen i totally craked ..anyway saw councellor and have been told 2 go out more takin small steps but everytym I go out I go dizzy not just slight but intense feeling I know i wont faint but cant stop the panic i get whenever I go out .Ive been doing small walks but still panic as soon as i get faint feeling even though I know its just a thought and have tried floatin with it but it just doesnt go away :weep: . How do I get past this even with everything I have learnt breathing etc I still panic ....

Please help xxxxx
Titch xxx

01-08-08, 23:38
hiya titch, when u try to go out and stuff r u doing it alone? i just wondered would it help if you had someone to walk out with, would u feel less panicky? hugs to u hun xxx

02-08-08, 00:02
Hi m8 ....Im with some1 ..mainly my daughter so I do feel more anxious as dont want 2 faint or panic infront of her but have no 1 else 2 go with so its either that or not at all x

How r u hun xxxx

02-08-08, 16:47
Hi Titch,

I know it doesn't seem like it but it will get better. Even if it's not getting better at the moment it is important to keep going out or else you will find yourself going backward. Last year I had this and over time I found I was going further by keeping at it.

I actually prefer to go walks myself as I means I can leave when I want and set my own pace. Everyone is different though. It might also be that you are starting too big. I know at some stage you will have to float with it but to be honest I would suggest smaller walks that don't get you anxious till you rebuild your confidence again.

All the best


02-08-08, 16:59
Thanx Nechtan
I do worry Im not getting anywhere ive been off work 3 weeks now and still dont feel any further forward ...Im due back at work Fri and I work In a large supermarket Arghhhhhh .I need 2 work as have mortgage 2 pay on my own ....

I went for a walk with my mom 2day and had giddy turn and panicked but nothing 2 bad .....I might go 4 a walk around estate on my own later havent been on my own yet so might give it atry ......its difficult going on my own as always have daughter with me at the mo as it school hols.

How are you doing anyway are you doing well xx
Titch xxx

milly jones
02-08-08, 17:36
aww hunny

just celebrate the tiny steps

if u see urself as succeeding then u will continue to move forward.

if u concentrate on the negatives ull find it difficult

well done in the progress ur making

milly xx

02-08-08, 17:47
Hi Titch,

Your situation is not good and it's not helping either. You are going out with all these worries on your shoulders. I know what you mean. After I was made redundant we lived for a year on my redundancy pay but when that ran out I found we had more money going out than coming in. The mortgage was the most important thing but also we had two young children to support. I got myself in a right state but my GP was very good and sorted out incapacity benefit which really lifted the pressure.

Obviously your case is different. You have a job and that's something you will want to keep- I went downhill quite fast without my work. The financial situation is something you should maybe discuss with your counsellor as it will be impacting your recovery. How understanding are your work? The thing is if you are unable to go then you just can't and I would hope your employers would see that if you can get the time to recover they will benefit from it in the long term. It's easier said than done though. Maybe your GP could sign you off for another couple of weeks if you explain the situation. The thing is if you had a broken leg or something physical then there would not be a problem.

I hope you get some progress. We all have different advice with regards to the agrophobia. Personally I think that you should take it as easy as you can for the next week and put yourself under as little anxiety as possible. By that I mean making the walks shorter. If you keep putting yourself in a position where you cannot cope, as I know from experience, then it doesn't get you any further forward any quicker. In fact it does the opposite.

All the best and best of luck
