View Full Version : Hello

01-08-08, 23:43
Hi, I'm a nervous first timer on here, had some problems in the last few years that I've always struggled to talk about.

01-08-08, 23:46
hiya Mr, how u doing? welcome to nmp and we are all very friendly here and understanding and we will do our very best to try to offer advice and support to u.

i am sure you will make lots of new friends here too and keep posting and we will do our best to help. sometimes writing it down is like therapy in itself and just to have a few people say yes i can relate to u etc etc makes such a difference hugs xxx

01-08-08, 23:52
Thats very nice of you, I feel like I've lost my life in the last 3 years and I want it back. Hopefully someone can help.

02-08-08, 08:38
Hi MrBlueSky

Welcome to NMP - reference to ELO? :)

You will get loads of support and advice here. I'm sure lots of people will be able to relate to you, which will help because we tend to think we're alone with all this when in fact others know how we feel too.

Keep posting hun.

Jo xxxxx

02-08-08, 09:22
Hi and welcome, I bet its not long before you realise you are not alone, you will get lots of useful advice and make new friends on here, have a good look around and shout if we can help you any more,xxx

02-08-08, 09:46
Hiya ...welcome ...Youve made a great start 2 feeling better by joining this site ..each small step is a step 2 your goal .

It is good 2 share your feelings and thoughts and you will be surprised at just how many people understand what you are going through xxx

Take care

Titch xxxxx

milly jones
02-08-08, 10:46
hi mr bluesky

dont be nervous

were a great bunch here


milly xx

02-08-08, 11:59
Hi and welcome along to NMP

One of the great advantages of communicating via the net is no one can see you so it can make you feel a little more free to express yourself. There is lots of interesting and beneficial information on the site and the forum is another way of gaining support.

When your ready take a deep breath and join in it'll be nice to have you around

Pooh x

02-08-08, 12:37
Thank you all so much for your kind messages, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one feeling this way. For so long I have felt very alone because of a fear of being able to discuss the way I'm feeling with anyone.

milly jones
02-08-08, 12:40
mr blue sky was one of my fav records when i was young lol

first bf loved ELO, so naturally i did too lol


02-08-08, 12:52
Yeah it's alway been one of my favourite songs too, it's very uplifting for me and sometimes I listen to it when I feel down.

02-08-08, 13:37
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

02-08-08, 13:50
Thanks Emma

02-08-08, 17:58
Hi and :welcome: Mr Blue Sky

Lovely to see you here and hope we can be of some help.

03-08-08, 03:01
Hi Mr Blue Sky!
This place is really awesome and you will find a lot of supportive people who know exactly how you feel. It has been a lifesaver for me since I joined a week ago =)


05-08-08, 14:46
Hello Mrbluesky And Welcome To The Site ,i Wish Ya Well, Linda