View Full Version : Fear That I will stop breathing

02-08-08, 00:20
I have written posts about this before a while ago when I as struggling with this issue and I thought I had gotten over this but now It has come back with a vengeance! ! ! When I try to fall asleep I get this weird feeling like I need more air and I am gasping for air but not getting enough . . is what it feels like. . who knows if i really am or not. . . Than throughout the day I have this uneasiness that I will stop breathing. . Like each breath is my last . . and its lasting all day!! Even when I distract myself It's still in the back of my mind! My breathing is all out of wack too because I am thinking about it all day I sometimes feel like i am over breathing because I am not breathing enough. . I feel like i hold my breath a lot. This is SOOO scary and I feel like it'll never go away!! You know when you're swimming under water and you're holing your breath (obviously) and when you get up from the water you gasp for air kinda because you were under water holding your breath for so long that you need air. . well that how I feel all the time. . its terrible. I feel like I am not breathing through my nose good enough or enough. . How can anxiety actually make you feel physically bad like this? And I am worried that because I am thinking of this SO much that I will stop breathing because of my thoughts. Does this make sense? I know my thoughts are making my breathing not good at all and even when I am sleeping it wakes me up gasping for air. . so can it make me stop breathing? will i always be this way? I see No light or hope. I fear I will always be this way and feel this way. A constant struggle for a breath. . and I am only 23. What is wrong with me. i cannot even enjoy my One yr anniversary with my boyfriend today because I am constantly thinking of my breathing. Has anyone felt this way and recovered? I thought i recovered from this. It just comes back in different forms I guess. How do I get rid of this )-: When I used to get this I was more panicky and had panic attacks and would just pop an Ativan. Now I dont have a panic attack but I feel extreme anxiety and depression from this because it's ruining my life.

02-08-08, 00:45
Hi Holly,
i am having a similar problem right now. Well, i am starting to think i hold my breath too. I am soo scared. I constantly think about my breathing and I get that feeling like after you've been holding breathe, or like if you think about breathing and lose its rhytm, then i get all panicky like i can't catch breathe or its rgytm again. It can even be difficult to talk, probably coz it's kinda hard to talk if you're controling your breathing at the same time, if that makes sense...But I also get a feeling of not being able to open my chest up enough to breathe, or a smothering sensation. For me it is so bad that i have been to see 4 different doctors in the past couple of days and been to the emergency twice, where they found nothing wrong with my breathing! But I still feel the same and fear i will stop breathing, so much that it is difficult to get on with my life...
I had similar feelings couple of years ago and it did go eventually but only when things that were able to distract me started happening. I don't know what it is going to take now for me. If you don't have feelings you can't expand your chest like I do, it would probably be good for you to try some breathing exercises. Most relaxation tapes also guide you with the breathing, at least the ones i have listened to.

02-08-08, 00:51
This does sound like anxiety hun,I sometimes get quite hung up on my breathing technique if I get palpatations and sometimes I say to my hubby"I don't feel as though I am breathing right".
It does sound like severe health anxiety and if it has encroached on your life this much and stopped you enjoying your night with your boyfriend then you must speak to the doc about it.
Don't worry about it as he or she is there to help and would have heard much worse and it will be good to talk to someone about how it is affecting your quality of life.Remember the brain tells the body what to do and if you are constantly getting panicky about breathing in and out all day then you will be more conscious of it.Breathing is something we do without realising it even as a baby so I am sure you will find some relief soon
Take care and let us know how you get on.

02-08-08, 00:56
Iv been to plent of drs believe me and the only solution to them is anti depressants. I dont like ssri's and wont take them. I do have a fear of medication BUT i have been on 3 diff antu depressants so i have a right to. Had bad experiences with them. . I see a therapist once a week and this issue seems to come and go but i am afraid it will never leave. A normal dr wont be ablw to do anything for me. I saw an herbalist and he gave me herbal supplements for my hormonal imbalnces and anxiety. . we'll see how that works out. I just need to stop this bad habit

02-08-08, 01:01
Hi Hollystressed

Breathing is an automatic thing. If you held your breath until you passed out, you would automatically start breathing again while unconscious, so you can't stop yourself from breathing by thinking about it. I'd learn how to control your breathing by learning how to relax the muscles involved in breathing.


02-08-08, 03:09
cool thank you Tom. That makes me feel better! ! ! Yes I am very tense in the chest area. Just feel like i dont take in air from my nose enough. I know this sounds weird and I may sound crazy. . i posted this on another anxiety site and a woman said "You need to get help ASAP" im uh. . . thanks that makes me feel better. . as though i have never gotten help for my anxiety. I see an herbalist, therapist once a week and more dr's in 3 months than most have seen on 5 yrs . . or more. . . so what else?? SSRI's dont work for me so i dont take them. I feel like when i say that people dont believe me and think anti depressants help everyone. Iv alrady taken 3 of them in the past 5 yrs. . . They just make me feel i am going crazy. This is why i see an herbalist. Sorry just venting because i know some people think i am dumb for not taking any ssri's but if they didnt work for you, made you have panic attacks and made you feel nuts would you take them?

02-08-08, 14:14
Holly, i completely understand what you're saying. SSRI's won't work for everyone, we are all diferent...I am not really sure they ever worked for me, though i have been taking them for a long time, on and off...They seemed to help the first time, but now i am not sure was it really the med or me believing it will help me and probably releasing some of the fear i have that way. Right now, i don't know what to do really, there is nothing about anxiety that scares me as much as when i find it difficult to breathe...The fear i feel with it, the way it affects my life, it can't be compared with any other symptom, i am absolutely terrified to do anything, go out, enjoy time with my partner, nothing, i can't even think of anything else other than my breathing and if i am breathing right and if it is going to get worse and what will i do then...even thinking of doing anything physical scares me, cause i feel i would get too short of breathe and something horrible would happen...
I would also like to know how to relax my chest area...
Do things your herbalist gives you help?

02-08-08, 14:53
i feel the same way right now mila. its painful. . I just started taking the herbal supplements so i feel no difference. I just an my breathing issues to go away. i want this all to go away!!!!!!

02-08-08, 15:14
Please try not to worry yourself so much. I know thats easier said than done. I also have stuggled with the breathing issues and do not take ssri meds or any other med. I have has bad experiences with them and will not take them. I will let you know what my doctor said about breathing or fear that you will stop. Breathing is natural and will occur even when you are not focused on it. He also told me to get a breathing clock which I still use. I take 2 deep cleasining breathes and then hold my breath for as long as I can and then release it. I do this for 5 minutes and it helps put balance back into my breathing. Like other people have said if you overbreathe it leads to hyperventilation and will make it harder for you to feel like you are breathing right or that you will stop. Rest assured you will not. If you need any further help, let me know. I have been there done that and feel a whole lot better. Take care honey, it will get better.:hugs:

02-08-08, 21:00
THANKYOU 3369!!!:hugs:
I really appreciate it! I know this is my anxiety but it doesn't make my fear of not breathing any easier :weep: So how long did you deal with the breathing thing for ??

04-08-08, 18:38
I get this quite a lot. Mostly when im trying to fall asleep. I wake up with a jump because i think ive stopped breathing. The only thing that helps me is a clock by my bedside, with 2 ticks i breath in and 2 ticks i breath out, and i continue that until the next thing i know ive fallen asleep. By doing this it keeps me calm in knowing my breathing is regular.

07-08-08, 08:33
Hi Hollystressed, hi all. Im new!

Just wanted to say I know how youre all feeling. Ive had long scary months of panic and ocd in the past and after a bout of very stressful life experiences recently I foundmy panic returning. As im fairly well 'up' on how to deal with it I found myself well and truly smacked in the gob when I developed a real problem with my breathing. I never feel like Im getting enough air, my chest hurts and im terrified to go to the shops etc (and work, well works just a nightmare) because im convinced I'll start to hyperventilate and go bananas!

I wonder if facing the fear is the best way, get in that queue in the shop and say 'well whats the worst? I'll pass out then ill wake up again....' Its how I deal with the painc, I stand tall and basically say do your worst, youre a lie, panic never gets worse, it always stops so go on, just try and push me around'

plus ofcourse, distraction and not imagining terrible breathing issues all day. Its all so easy to say and so hard to do!!!

Wishing you the best luck and if you fix it, let me know!!!!

15-03-09, 00:13
Hi I'm having the same problems even typing the words in I'm concentrating on
My breathing. The only way I can calm down is in the bath so I'm having like 3 baths a day
Doc as giving me anti depressants that helps with anxiety, never again the thoughts
But everyone is different, beta blockers were great like valium but I had allergic reaction 2 em.
I've had asma test all fine, all I'm on now is sleeping tablets and he told me to try go bk to
Wrk to get my mind on something else. And try 7-11 breathing. I thought no gwd I'm on my own with this if I concentrate anymore on my breathing ill be in hospital.
But ur not alone if u find something that works tell me please.

11-07-09, 01:48
Iv been to plent of drs believe me and the only solution to them is anti depressants. I dont like ssri's and wont take them. I do have a fear of medication BUT i have been on 3 diff antu depressants so i have a right to. Had bad experiences with them. . I see a therapist once a week and this issue seems to come and go but i am afraid it will never leave. A normal dr wont be ablw to do anything for me. I saw an herbalist and he gave me herbal supplements for my hormonal imbalnces and anxiety. . we'll see how that works out. I just need to stop this bad habit

Hello, I too, struggle to breath. I now take medications. I know it is in my head. Do you have any solutions?

14-08-09, 12:27
i Am Suffering Right Now I Feel Like Everything Below My Lungs Is Pushing Into My Lungs If That Makes Sense I Also Concentrate On My Breathing All The Time I Get Feeling Of Being Full In That Area A Lot Of The Time It Feels So Uncomfortable.

14-08-09, 22:12
I don't really have anything to add here but i wanted to give a :bighug1: cuz i know how ya feel cuz i'm going through the same thing right now with the breathing
It SUCKS,,,UGH:mad:

11-09-10, 18:05
hi ,
I totally understand how bad it is to have the fear of breathing . but let me tell you when god made us he gave us a body that functions on its own so that we can enjoy this beautiful world around . so all it tell is to self realize your self ,and just accept the fear and face with courage and strength . this will overcome your fear and you will surely enjoy life to the fullest . god bless you all.

12-09-10, 16:39
I've had this, it's one of the scariest things, kept me up all night once.

Fly away Katie
12-09-10, 17:05
Hello Hollie. I am so glad you posted this. I no longer feel so alone. One night I went to bed feeling happy and content, and then as I was dropping off, suddenly sat up with a jolt and flushed and felt hot, with my heart racing, cus for a brief moment i thought id forgot how to breathe, and i had that for the next month. It was absolutley terrifying, and thought I was gonna die at every moment. I was gasping for air, and making myself go all lightheaded and dizzy. It was horrendous.
Mine only went when I found something new to worrie about, and transfix on. It wont be like that forever ;)
x x x x x x x x xxx

12-09-10, 17:24
I'm so happy you guys can relate, I had a week of this and everybody looked at me like I was mad when I said "my bodys forgotten how to breathe, I have to make it breathe, my brains broke, my lungs are failing", it rwally felt as though i'd stop, I'd go all funny feeling and it'd come on and take hours-days to lift, tightness in stomach area intensified it

10-03-11, 18:31
Hey love. I know exactly what you mean!!! Ive been having this alot lately. Just as im dosing off i jump and feel like my heart has just stopped and that ive been holding my breath. Its so scary!! Even more because i live alone :( Im 23 and i have a great family and boyfriend but ive been having panic attacks and dont like to sleep alone recently. Went to the doctors and the hospital many times. Apparantly i have costochondritis (Pain in my chest) With anxiety because it has never happened to me before (The panic attacks) they just came out of the blue. i thought i was having a heart attack. Palpitations, chest pain, disorientated, hot face, cold body and i was shaking. But can anyone help me on the sleeping thing. I hate this and just need a good nites sleep with feeling like im being suffocated every 5 seconds. :( Xoxo

12-03-11, 14:55
I was told by my pediatrician that even if you "pass out", your body will still breathe! My son would have temper tantrums and hold his breath until he was read and I was worried about him passing out. You can hold your breath only to a certain point and then your body will take over.

When you notice you are getting uptight, tell yourself this and redirect your thoughts. Or try to make it worse-push yourself further when you start to panic. Make yourself pass out. You probably won't be able to and your panic will pass or if you can make your body pass out, it will just start breathing again and you will see that nothing bad can come of it. I posted some great links for anxiety on the link threads.

23-03-15, 07:33
This sounds exactly like me!! I fear the breathing too! Feels like I can't get enough air through my nose it's awful! Everyday I wake up and until I'm sleeping it's all I can think about! I feel I'm going to pass out or just die by stopping breathing. I've been in and out hospital because of it, me thinking I can't breathe I've had ct scans chest X-ray and they said my oxygens perfect, so why do I feel like this?? I'm only 18! And feel as if every second could be my last I feel on constant edge and panic about my breathing all day everyday! I look in the mirror at my lips to see if they change colour! I have a little boy, he's 10 months old an I just want this to go away so I can go out without thinking il pass out or stop breathing! Every thing seems to send me worrying!

Praveen de silvae
02-05-16, 05:38
Another sleep disorder which causes a person to repeatedly stop breathing during sleep is called central sleep apnea and is due to a lack of respiratory effort. Central sleep apnea is a lot less common than obstructive sleep apnea and is often associated with heart failure or conditions that affect the nervous system. While obstructive sleep apnea is caused by a collapse in the upper airway, central sleep apnea is caused by the brain not sending the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. People with central sleep apneaoften report sleep maintenance insomnia, or difficulty staying asleep. Treatment for central sleep apnea includes treating the underlying medical cause, using supplemental oxygen or positive airway pressure devices during sleep, or taking medication.

16-11-16, 10:08
Just thought I would add to this. This seems to be this year's SAD symptom for me. Out of nowhere and for no reason but now I'm watching every breath, sometimes feel like I can't take a deep breath and when I can, it doesn't feel right. Luckily it isn't affecting my sleeping and only starts after being awake for about 10 minutes and my mind gets itself ready to start obsessing for the day. I'm just trying to put it out of my mind and get on with things but it's really giving me back muscle pain. Pah screw you anxiety, you ain't winning!

17-11-16, 21:56
It might not be true for all of you but some of you sound like you have hyperventilation syndrome. It sounds like the carbon dioxide levels in your blood are low because you breathe to fast, so that makes you feel hungry for a bigger breathe and a whole list of other symptoms that are all over all parts of your body, as you need the right carbon dioxide levels in your blood, although it's no big deal.

Try breathing slowly and only threw you nose and resist the urge to take bigger, faster or harder inhales and just try to breathe little bit. Stop swallowing air if you can. If you breath in to much O2 to fast it can be bad feeling.

Remember, if you see anyone in a panic you will see them breathe very fast and pant, this prepares the body to run very fast (fight or flight) and real eases all sorts of chemicals and changes in the body, most people will feel dizzy when they have panic from say stage fright or fear of flying or whatever,r everyone gets this sometimes, they will feel horrible too but it passes so quicky, where as maybe some of you are stuck in a panic flight mode and are constantly breathing a big to fast, as your never fully relaxed, this can cause your panic or be from panic but either way you have to work hard to get your breathing under control and don't fear this sensation, most on and try to fully live, it doesn't help focus and cry over it, it makes it worse/

Some people might breathe a few times into a paper bag to recycle the air that can help.

It's ok your going to be ok but you might want to see a respiratory therapists they are used to breathing patter disorders and can help a lot, if you can't see one learn about hyperventilation syndrome.

17-11-16, 23:11
Have to agree with you superfreaked. My over breathing is so bad I've been referred to a heart and chest hospital to reset my breathing with breathing exercises.

Firstly, it isn't damaging you. You won't die it's so difficult but you need to distract yourself intensely from thinking about it and ask your GP about breathing exercises. Once you've stopped thinking about it I promise you it will go away.

Take a warm bath, read, clean, watch a film, take up a new hobby, carry on with your life as normal and as soon as you do, your breathing will naturally reset more and more.

Meditation, swimming, yoga, massage, relaxation techniques will all help with this.