View Full Version : Chest Pains

02-08-08, 06:33
Had a pretty good day today, was able to chat and didn't have any chest pains, which was such a relief after the last few days of dealing with having to go back to work... then tonight, the tightness came on and that horrible ache that is deep in my chest... then, my throat started feeling tight and now I feel like I can't breath and I keep getting flashes of hot and cold. I am so scared that it is my heart, but I know I can't go back to the ER again, I've already been three times and owe too much money (not that they could turn me away, but I don't want to owe even more)... I just hate this feeling so much, and would do anything if it would go away...

The chest pains are the worst, scariest part for me....They are in my chest, sometimes left, right, center, and they go into my neck and shoulder on the left side...sometimes sharp and fast, sometimes a dull ache that lasts and lasts... Does anyone have any way that I can get rid of them?


02-08-08, 08:57
You poor thing, Its horrible when these pains come. I get them a lot too. They happen when I'm relaxed and when I'm stressed and even gas in my stomach and trapped wind bring them on!
I know its scary but you have to try and be rational. You have been checked out by the hospital many times so they would have found any problems with you heart. It sounds like muscle tension or maybe a bit of acid/heartburn.
What works for me is, I take a warm bath and I try and breathe nice and slowly. I also try and have a good stretch to release any tension.

You will be ok, hope this helps!

Vicki x

03-08-08, 06:45
Thanks so much Vicki...the pain is still here, 24 hours later...haven't much let up but they get worse and then better.... been able to keep my spirits up by chatting, but this ache is terrible... it does help to take a warm bath, and it definitely helps to get my boyfriend to massage my back between my shoulder blades... but the relief is very short lived. I have a lot of stress and anxiety right now because the summer is almost over, and I have to take the kids back to their father's house. This wasn't a problem before, as they lived pretty close and were in a nice, small town, but when I take them back in a week, I have to take them to Houston, where their father moved after I picked them up for the summer. I don't want them moving to a big city so far away (300 miles from me) but there is nothing I can do about it and nothing I can do to relieve this anxiety. I am so afraid they will get hurt, and be in a school with rough crowds.

Anyway, rambling now....again, thanks for the reply and for listening...


03-08-08, 08:06
Oh Amy - you poor thing - with that amount of stress it's no wonder you're feeling like this. The chest pains etc really are stress and probably ten times worse because you are having to take your children back.... Have you talked to your boyfriend or a friend / mother etc about taking them back and how it's making you feel? - sometimes just talking about your anxieties and problems/fears really helps to relieve the physical symtpoms as they are often manifestations of our emotional fears that we have not let out.

I really feel for you it sounds as though you have a horrible situation on your hands. I am quite sure (though obviously I don't know the history of your marriage) that your husband loves your kids too and would not want anything bad to happen to them either and that as a result he would put them in good schools so try and be reassured by that. I don't know what your relationship with your ex-husband is like but could you talk to him about it? Sorry if that's a stupid suggestion but as he is the other parent he might be the most understanding of it? When I was a child my mother and father separated and lived miles away from each other and I know my mother went through similar things about us but in the end she talked to my Father about it and though they had their differences, the fact that they shared kids helped them through it....

Try not to worry about your chest pains and breathing - I promise you it's all anxiety and stress - nothing more sinister than that, although it's still terrifying - but I really feel for you and want you to know that I am thinking of you... and wish that I could help more.

03-08-08, 08:44
Thank you bex... it really does help just to have people that understand. Yes, I have talked to my boyfriend about all of this, extensively...he's been right there for every trip to the ER (only three, hopefully no more) and I do talk to him about the anxiety and stress of the boys moving. He is my best friend, and I am so lucky to have him.

The ex husband is a strange situation. He and I get along just fine and are able to talk when we get a chance, but his wife is SO jealous of me that she practically prohibits any communication between the two of us. From what I understand, they are moving to a decent area...going to be next door to NASA as a matter of fact, but I am still so worried. I have a bit of an obsession with crime (I have a degree in Criminal Justice Administration with a minor in Psychology), though I have been trying not to indulge my news addiction lately. I just know that Houston is one of the largest cities in the US and maybe the world, and it has so much crime... it is so scary to me. Also, the thought of not being able to see them as often, as expensive as gas is, is killing me.

I am hoping that the physical stuff will get better after I actually take them, but I am afraid it will only get worse... and I am afraid that if it gets worse then I actually WILL end up having a heart attack. I just don't know what to do, other than just let it happen and deal... This terror about my heart is just making it so hard, on top of it all. I feel like there is a cramp in the center of my chest right now, and I just keep thinking that it has to be my heart....something they can't pick up on the basic tests... They were able to pick up the ectopic beats (my particular ones were called premature ventricular contractions) and that scares me too, since the first time I went to the ER they went on for a total of 14 hours.

This all started, in fact, with a single ectopic the night after the boys told me that thier dad was moving and I would have to take them to Houston. I was just sitting there and felt like something flipped around in my chest, accompanied by a half-second of pain...I got dizzy and felt sick, so laid down and felt better. All the next day, my chest was sore and I felt really scared....and I have felt scared since that night. I am just convinced that there is something wrong with my heart, and it is hard for me to believe that that isn't true for more that a few hours at a time.

I don't want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way =(

Thanks for listening everyone,

03-08-08, 12:46
I promise you, though I'm not a doctor, they would have picked something up. My father-in-law has heart problems and he took a trip to the ER, was given an ECG and they picked it up immediately...

You are having panic attacks - they are SO real, the amount of people that have confused them with heart attacks are in their thousands - honestly, you really must try and believe that - our emotions are tied in very strongly to our health and panic attacks are the body's way of relieving (ha, ha) anxiety - sort of telling us that we are upset, as if we didn't already know. The stress of having to a) take your children to a new place b) having to leave them at all and c) the fact that you think you're having heart problems will be making your anxiety worse than ever - hence the pain and fear you're in now. I have suffered from them and my cousin had them so severely that all her nervous system went into spasm (God, reading this makes me think my family are all highly anxious people!!) - I know what you're going through - we've all been through it at some point or another - read over previous posts of others who worry about heart problems and you'll find you are having the same and that you are NOT alone and more to the point, you are NOT about to have a heart attack. Please try and believe me, I know how hard it is but they would have found something was wrong if it was - especially as you have been a few times. You need to find a doctor you can talk to about this - and I'm so glad that you're boyfriend is so good - my husband is too and it's such a joy to have someone who is on your side....

Please try not to panic and try and realise that it is fear and stress causing this, not a problem with your heart. Keep posting - or PM me if you want - sometimes just talking helps - but I am 99.9% positive your are healthy when it comes to your heart.

03-08-08, 21:43
Thank you so much. It really does help just to put it all down. I am feeling MUCH better today (knock wood). In fact, if I could go through life feeling like a do right now (a little nauseous from increasing my citalopram, a little sleepy, but no pain!) I could have a pretty good life. Of course, I know it is going to get worse next weekend when I actually have to take them back. I am trying really hard not to let them know that that is what is started all of this, because they are both SO excited about moving. They know something is wrong, but they don't really know what. I think it is better that way, no need to ruin what is probably going to be one of the most significant experiences of their young lives.

Thank you so much for listening and your supportive and extremely helpful words...


03-08-08, 22:41
Hey Amy

Do you have something in the US called 'Skype' - or something similar like a web cam or something? That way you could talk to your kids - and look at them as well - and they can see you? It's such a brilliant way of keeping in proper contact with someone and is like having them in your sitting room! This might be a way of being able to see your kids in their new environment... and at the same time, keeping an eye on them - seeing their faces etc. The great thing about kids is that their emotions are really easy to read on their faces - and anything that might be wrong you can see for yourself - just a thought anyway...

Maybe you should let your kids know how you feel - though clearly in a very understated way - tell them that you're excited and nervous for them and want to know that they're ok etc. Sometimes I think we shelter them too much and whilst I think we do need to protect them, I also think that they should have some understanding of our feelings too...

Next weekend will be hard - but you WILL get through it because you'll do it for your kids if nothing else. You must believe you're stronger than you think you are... hard though that might seem.

I'm really glad you're better today and you'll get used to the higher dose... but in the meantime, keep in touch with us all and we'll help you with next weekend - and remember, it's just anxiety and you can cope with it - you are NOT having heart attacks!!

The web cam thing is something to think about maybe?

04-08-08, 04:01
thanks, that is a very good idea. I am not sure if they will have internet access there, but I will find out....

Just trying to deal one day at a time... thanks so much for listening, and I am sure I will post back soon with an update...


04-08-08, 05:25
Hope all is well and hope to hear a great update from you!
Chest pains can be so terrifying.

04-08-08, 06:24
Am about to go to bed and just wanted to say that today was the best day I have had in weeks. I have decided to quit my job, and somehow (I think) deciding that took a load off of me. it won't help with the money situation, but I need some time to get through all of this. I did talk to the kids a little bit, and they have promised to call me at least every other day to let me know they are okay. I just have to keep remembering that they will have opportunities there that they wouldn't be able to dream of where they were living. Still worried, still anxious... still got quite a bit of health anxiety... but today was a good day =) Maybe tomorrow will be even better =)

Thanks so much guys,

10-08-08, 07:26
Wanted to post an update....

Well, we are leaving tomorrow to take the kids to Houston. I've been pretty depressed and busy for the last few days, so I haven't been on much. Trying to distract myself from what I know is coming tomorrow...

I had a bunch of really good days with no panic attacks, but that ended yesterday when I had a total of 3. I've only had a small one today, but been having the palps and chest pain on and off all day, so I am of course freaked out about it, but trying to hold it together.

I am sure everything will be fine, just wanted to let everyone know how I am doing.
