View Full Version : The Man In The Wheel Chair

02-08-08, 07:40

This is what happened to me the other day and it is rather funny

I was walking along the road when a guy in a wheel chair bumped into me so I said "watch where your going mate"
Well, he came after me and angrly said " what the fu*k did you say"

I repeated what I said and he rambed his wheel chair into my legs swearing at me

Now what am I meant to do?
If I hit him am the bad guy but am not going to stand there and have him run me over. So I walk away

WeLL he comes charging after me and rams into my back legs swearing and telling me hes gonna kick the s*it out me, which I doubt. I jump between two parked cars but this guy wheels after me,,,He is like the bloody terminator coz nothing is stopping him. He just keeps coming!! All the while people are watching this...me being chased by a guy in a wheel chair.

I manage to lose him by jumping between two other cars and across the road but all the time he is going off his nut. Shouting at me and trying to get across the road but I get away.

Now my fear is I will be walking home drunk and I will here squeak squeak and it will be him!!!

well thats a true story and if anything I hope it made ya smile

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Venus Calling
02-08-08, 10:04
There are so many horrible people out there! It's funny now it's over but that must be just as scary as if someone one able bodied did it.

I walk with a crutch and people trip over it because they don't look where they are going, send me off balance and then it's me doing the apologising! I'll be looking at people in wheelchairs differently now!

02-08-08, 10:31

thats so scary....and ill bet it hurt!!!!!!

dawny xxxxx

02-08-08, 10:47
What a complete nutcase! I know this might be a bit odd to say, but most people usually assume that people who are ill or disabled are nicer than most because of what they have suffered, or are suffering - not in this case!

I was a bit surprised that no one helped you against the Wheelchair Terminator(!)

02-08-08, 11:56
As you know Purple

I almost wet myself laughing when you told me LOL Go the wheelchair terminator! lol

However, having worked with lots of able and disabled peeps in my time, be in no doubt folks...both are equally manipulative and violent if their mood so takes them.

Sorry still laughing here purple

lol lol lol

Pooh xxxxxx

02-08-08, 12:27
oh poor u ......Perhaps wheelchair terminator should join the site 2 learn how 2 relax haha x

Hope u dont bump in 2 him again .....or should I say he bump in 2 u xlol xxx

Take care and remember 2 look over yr shoulda u never know when he may strike lol x
Titch xxx

02-08-08, 16:15
Sorry to laugh as it must have been a bit of an ordeal but it did make me chuckle. I hope you manage to avoid him in the future. It's alright laughing but you just never know what someone in a rage will do if they get a hold of you.

All the best


Anna C
02-08-08, 16:38

You really made me laugh, especially the terminator part. I just nearly choked on my yogurt, while reading your post, I was laughing that much.

I hope it wasn't too scary for you, and I hope you never meet him again, when your sober or drunk!! But next time you hear squeak, squeak.......RUN!!:D

Some people are so rude!


02-08-08, 17:26
Those mobility scooters are a menace. On pension day, the old folks all race each other to the post office, talk about Whacky Races.

Inevitably, there are sometimes accidents.


02-08-08, 17:45
Am absolutely wetting myself - wish it was on you tube!!

02-08-08, 22:16
thats what i said too Bab lmfao