View Full Version : Long time

02-08-08, 08:03
I have suffered from anxiety for a long time, i have had treatment cognative and medical but they have not seamed to work

I have a job that is very stressfull and requires attention to detail, and suffer from panic attacks in the night usually about getting things wrong, i feel sick and cant sleep.

Once in work i am great and have no troble talking or advising people, but in a social setting i am shy and cant look at anyone and stand back whilst others are off dancing and having a good time, for christ sake i had a panic attack just before the first dance at my wedding because i thought people would laugh at me?

In my job panic attacks are seen as a weakness and i keep thinking people are out to get me and talk about me behind my back, though i have no proof i just cant shake the feeling.

My wife has put up with so much and i and getting the old feelings back and fear a relapse, i cant put her through anymore.##

anyway rant over i needed to get this off my chest, thank god this site is here and i now know i can speak to other people in the same boat.

milly jones
02-08-08, 10:53
hi mate

im in exactly the same boat as u hun

i got so bad at work that i couldnt speak to manage ppl.

consequently im off work at present

i too have had cbt and talking therapy. im currently having psychdynamic therapy to try and get to the root of my repressed emotions.

u sound so much like me hunny.

im presently on citalopram which has eased tne anx generally, but i still find busy or noisy situations very hard to cope with.

had a visit to opticians just and it was sheer hell, esp the looking up close bit and having to talk. i felt invaded.

take care

milly xx

02-08-08, 11:50
im sorry you are going through this. Thats what this site is for, for people like us who cant talk to others, even those closest to us, about how we feel. On this site you get to share with many people who know EXACTLY how you feel and can offer support and help and their own coping skills. Keep coming on here when you feel bad and also remember your advice is greatly needed and appreciated for others on here also. Good luck, nic.

03-08-08, 07:37
Just wanted to throw my support in and say that I especially understand your worry about your partner having to put up with all of this. I am really worried that my boyfriend is going to get tired of this and give up, though he has NEVER given me any reason to think he would. He has been wonderful and an incredible source of support for me since this started. That is one of the reasons that love exists: to get us through these horrible times.

Hope this helps,

03-08-08, 12:06
All of you thank you for your kind words, its great knowing i can talk to other people who suffer as well :)

07-02-14, 00:52
Well it's been a while, two kids and an a boat load of anniversaries. But just recently things have got bad again.
Had an accident in work just after my 2nd child was born and no one will let me forget it I have had constant piss taking and to the point where retired members of my organization have stopped me to make comments. I have asked a supervisor to deal with it but just told to man up.
Then my wife's father died and her mother has been diagnosed with an illness so naturally she is upset.
I don't want to lumber her as she has gone through a lot this past year, but can't sleep again and making mistakes in work and dread going in through fear of complaints.

08-05-14, 04:56
Now I have to work for 3 months at a different location doing something that caused my anxiety in the first place. Told by management it's for my development, told them about my recent wobble and my fears but did they take this into account .....no, so start Friday feel like going to have an episode need some help

08-05-14, 09:58

Youre capable of a lot more than you believe you are. Post it all here, we`ll help you get through it, easy. Youre not on your own.

I can empathise with how you feel in the workplace completely. Youve done well turning up day after day. That sounds like a strong person to me.

Be yourself, screw what any of that lot think about it.