View Full Version : boy and i thought yesterday was bad !!!!

04-05-05, 10:19
after bad day yesterday, and crying in the middle of greggs LOL,
i thought well today has got to get better, oh no what do i do, god i feel so stupid, had to go and see my daughters head master, as she is 7 and struggling a bit at school, she was given work far to hard for her, which she should not have had, and she got very upset cos she couldnt do it. anyway i asked to see him, oh yes of course he said come in, what is the problem, to which i promptly broke down in tears how embarrassing he must think im a right nutter,

so that was at 9.30 what a start think i will just stay in today incase i do it again, god he must be thinking what a neurotic mother !!!!![Duh!] i just cant shake this crying thing sorry to bore you all just feel so stupid now.

kairen x

04-05-05, 11:10
hello Kairen,

Please don't feel silly about what you did!! We have all done things like that before. I'm sure he didn't think you were being neurotic, probably just that you were a concerned, stressed mum..Hope you feel better soon!!

Sarah :D

04-05-05, 11:11
Hi Kairen,

Sorry to hear your feeling bad hun. Please don't feel stupid you are so NOT stupid.

You obviously feel bad for your daughter so thats bound to upset you.

I get days even weeks sometimes where i get so very tearful and it doesn't have to be over anything in particular. You just have to say hello and im off! LOL and if someones nice to me as well! open up the flood gates!!! So i do understand how you feel and it's so hard to shift huh!

When i feel this bad sometimes i watch a weepy movie I know this sounds odd but i seem to get to a point where I cry myself all out. Then watch something to make you laugh.

Don't worry about all the crying though its a good form of realise hun!

Hope you feel better soon,


04-05-05, 12:10
As the others have said Kairen, WELL DONE for actually going and facing the headmaster knowing how you already felt. So you cried, no one died and hey, you care! A lot don't!

We've all had weepy times in the past which is nothing to feel bad about, it'll pass and then you'll be looking back having a good chuckle about it.

Get on your air stepper thingy and pound it to hell! :D

Mark x

04-05-05, 14:25
Hi Kairen, Sorry your day didn't start too well, it brought back so many memories to me - when my kids were smaller, i used to do exactly the same, be it if they got a school report that was good,parents evenings etc. i used to build myself up so much, whilst speaking to the person concerned, i would just cry, i know you feel embarrassed, but please don't you should be so proud of yourself for firstly getting to the appointment and secondly for being such a good mum for sorting out these probs.My kids take the mickey out of me for crying at nothing - i cried at the frozen pea advert the other night, in case the peas were too cold lol xx take care

04-05-05, 15:05
Ahh, don't feel embarassed for crying - bet the head would much prefer that to some of the reactions they get.

I cried loads when I first had anxiety 5/6 years ago - it was for all the times I didn't cry and shudda.

Then in the last few years I've been scared to go down that path incase I couldn't stop. Infact really laughing hard sometimes I think, ooh this could go horribly wrong, laughing and crying are two sides of the same coin I think (I know which I prefer - I look damn ugly crying).

Had a brilliant weep during a film recently (snot, sore throat the whole works) I was just thinking it was me and my funny ways and I may have to leave the room or be slapped but then realised the noisy howling wasn't actually me it was my teenage kids (so obviously I'm now allowing non anxiety sufferers to have reactions too).

Love Piglet:)

04-05-05, 15:09
Gosh, I wish I Could cry. I haven't been able to cry, I can't even remember when. I think crying somehow makes you feel a bit better, but then again perhaps not so if you can't stop crying. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. Just remember there are others feeling just as bad, in their own little horrible worlds.

04-05-05, 16:52
Thanks for the replies, they made me laugh, i do feel a bit better now after reading all the replies think i'll go on my airwalker bike thingy (ta Mark) then have a nice long soak and and early night, there again i will prob end up in chat room as usual LOL.. thanks again every one xxxx

kairen x

04-05-05, 18:10
LOL Kairen - see you in chat later!! haha :D

05-05-05, 05:35
sorry to hear you've been feeling really crap, Kairen.

Headmasters must see very emotional parents on a pretty regular basis, so don't ever feel bad about that.

You were doing the right thing going there.

Sorry I didn't get into chat tonight, but thanks for the woolen thongy thingy. :D


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

05-05-05, 10:45
Well i feel much better this morning, but its near the end of week so i always feel a bit better, i think a lot has to do with me being on my own through the day now, im very much a people person and love company, i used to work from home as i said but have not had any work for months so think im just bored etc.

Thanks for yesterday Meg,

And yes i never looked at it that way, i bet he does see a lot of angry parents, I'm not going to think about it anymore, onwards and upwards lol
I thing when you have a bad day you always feel like your going to slip back down that road,

Mind i did go to bed last night muttering "oh im gonna have a lovely day tmrw," "how happy im gona be", to which he said "are you on something" so i think sum things are best said in yr head LOL,,,

Ray im so pleased you liked the knitted thong i made you hope i didnt over exaggerate your size LOL

Thanks every one for putting my mind at rest maybe im not as neurotic as i thought.....

kairen x

05-05-05, 14:25
Glad you are feeling better Kairen!! :D

05-05-05, 15:06
Hey Kairen , No probs - anytime.

What sort of seamstress ? People are crying out for them usually ..

Glad you're feeling better now.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-05-05, 16:04

I was making equestrian wear, they were protective body wear like the stab vests police wear, made about 20 or 30 a weeks, so boring, it was good when girls were little as i could work my own hours. but they are sending a lot of their work abroad now as it is cheaper, its a good thing cos it has pushed me to look for something else, i want a total change, applied for jobs as care worker with the elderly, got accepted for one, but im waiting for interview for another one nearer home. I need some sort of routine back now girls are school, so time will tell...

thanks again xx

kairen x

05-05-05, 16:12
Good luck with the jobs Kairen - hope it all works out for you!! :D

05-05-05, 17:45
I'm glad you are feeling better Kairen.

Good luck with the job hunting.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-05-05, 17:56
It's great that you have the courage to make such a drastic change career-wise, Kairen! I hope you get the position you want. Good luck!


06-05-05, 10:23
Thanks it's something i have always wanted to do, not having any work has made me take the plunge i have nothing to lose and everything to gain, its a start to me getting some independence back after working alone from home for so long, getting back in the real world LOL,

kairen x

06-05-05, 15:22
Good luck with the job search Kairen! It will definitely have a positive impact on your life...getting you out of the house, companionship, plus I admire you for wanting to be a care aid, I think that helping others is sometimes the best therapy!


06-05-05, 15:24
Good luck Kairen

You will find yourself something that will suit you and that you'll get satisfaction from .

We're rooting for you.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

06-05-05, 17:42
AAAww Thanks, i saw head master in school yard today AAAAHHHH he came up and gave me a hug and said under his breath are you ok now mum sooooooooo embarassing im 5,5 he is prob about foot smaller mmm can you picture the scene now, but at least i can laugh now

kairen x

06-05-05, 17:49
LOL Kairen - wish I had seen that!! :D

07-05-05, 00:16

You are a brave and determined person so hold on to that hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.