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View Full Version : Fear of sudden cardiac arrest

02-08-08, 17:56
Hi all

I am new to this forum and I have a hard time writing this. I am on 25 mg seroxat, from 10 a week ago...

I feel like I am not living my life to the fullest as I really fear dying from a sudden cardiac arrest.

I have had 2 ECGs and even saw a cardiologist but it was 8 years ago. All tests were fine, blood pressure is ok and so is chlosterol.

I dont know what kind of advice I am looking for, just had to let it out.

But will everything really show on a ECG?

02-08-08, 18:44
Hi there - poor you and welcome to the site - it's been brilliant for me. An ECG would show anything sinister or imminent that was about to happen with regards to your heart - it also shows sign of damage etc. If your blood pressure and cholesterol are ok then I would imagine that you are too. Anxiety mimics all the signs of cardiac arrest and I have sat many a time in the A&E department thinking I am about to collapse from a heart attack. BUT, if you are really anxious about it, then go to your GP again and ask for tests or reassurance..... I am sure you are fine but feel for you as have been through it myself and it's dreadful living in fear the whole time.

02-08-08, 21:00
thanks for answering. How did you overcome this fear?

02-08-08, 21:53
I think I found another one to worry about to be honest! But I did have several tests etc and eventually believed my doctors.... but that fear was soon replaced by another, equally terrifying one....


02-08-08, 22:24
I have this fear as well, especially since my panic attacks seem to have started with palpitations and chest pain...I often get chest pain and not even have a panic attack....I have also had numerous tests done (ECG, EKG, chest xray and blood work, all times 3 in the last 2 months) and everything is coming back normal, but that doesn't seem to make it any less scary... you don't say why you think your heart is going to stop...do you have chest pains, palps, etc? I have only been on meds for 9 days now, so they haven't kicked in and I don't really have any advice, but I want you to know that you are definitely not alone in this fear...


28-03-13, 15:08

i am having this problem from lost 25 years,from lost 20 years i am under medication ,always negative thoughts comes in my mind and suddenly it effects my body and i get panic attacks no to avoid that doctor has given me some medcine which make me sudden sleep
when there is this kind of problem i had lost the confidence thinking about my future when it started i was young to take it now i am 46 years i do not no here after how to handle it :mad:

28-03-13, 16:24
This is my main Health Anxiety. I am so tuned into my chest, that every twinge or pain is met with instant panic. This of course makes it worse, as I get a huge hit of adrenalin which caused my heart to race.

My main issue right now is my left arm and armpit. I feel discomfort 24/7 in this area, but don't panic unless it is accompanied by chest pain. My doctor has looked at all my ecgs and blood tests and told me there is nothing wrong with my heart. He said the pain in my arm and armpit is myo something, caused by tension in my upper left body, due to being anxious and therefore tensing in readiness for a panic attack. Does this explanation make sense to anyone else???

To all who have replied and to thepanicgirl, I am sure we are all experiencing non-cardiac chest pain, but it is just so difficult to accept that anxiety/panic can make us feel like this.

Hope you all having a better day :hugs: