View Full Version : Need help / reassurance

02-08-08, 22:10
Hi there everyone - I've finally plucked up courage to put this down on the site as am so scared of the replies... sounds pathetic I know. My big fear is cancer - specifically mouth or throat. After eating this evening, I was, as usual running my tongue around my mouth and underneath my tongue on the left hand side there seems to be a small lump - there are kind of bump things on both sides but on my left hand side it feels different to the right... difficult to explain - but it feels larger... I have had my husband have a look and he says he can't see anything (I can't look as am too terrified) but I can definitely feel a difference on the left hand side.

Am feeling sick with fear now and have to go on holiday on Tuesday, so probably no time to go the Doctor or anything... please help. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.

Dave Jordan
02-08-08, 22:16
Hi bex !

try not to worry but im sure you could see your gp monday if you told him about your feers!!!!

02-08-08, 22:55
Hi bex

I dont suffer from HA but i do understand how it generates thought patterns that terrify us. Im reckoning this is your anxieties way of feeding itself. It is highly unlikely that you have mouth cancer but I'm sure you can get an emergency appointment before your holiday to have it checked just to put your mind at rest.
It also helps to understand anxiety and the role it plays in making us believe stuff like this and there is excellent info on the site about it.

Hope that helps

Pooh xxx

02-08-08, 23:21
fHi there

I've got similar fears and do the whole searching of mouth and throat. Under my tongue I've got lots of irregular bumps and if I run my tongue between my teeth I can feel a lump on one side. I've had this all checked and told it is fine. The tongue has loads of glands etc and your saliva glands are beneath your tongue so if you keep fiddling with it then it is quite possible that you are aggravating it and causing it to be bumpy. If you're really worried then I'm sure you could get it checked by a gp on Monday. It would put your mind at rest and then you culd enjoy your hols. have a great time.

03-08-08, 05:27
You defintely do not sound pathetic. You sound like a HA sufferer. I dont think it is anything to worry about but like the others said maybe have a GP check it out monday if it will help ease your mind. Lots of hugs because I know and understand how terrifying everything can be.

03-08-08, 07:58
Just wanted to thank everyone for their messages - i think you're right and will try and get an emergency appt on Monday... as won't relax (or otherwise!) until I do. Sheba, thanks especially for your message - always reassuring to know that someone else has irregular lumps and bumps in their mouth too....

03-08-08, 11:42
Hi Bex,

i can totally understand where you are coming from, i've had years of worrying about my mouth. If you are anything like me you'll be more anxious at the moment if you are going away - i always seem to find a worry before hols and get more anxious deciding if i can get to the docs. I am sure you have nothing to worry about and especially if you see a dentist reguarly. Mouths are lumpy & bumpy and can change day to day,
love anx xx

03-08-08, 11:59
Hi Bex

Thanks for your post, it is quite funny really coz I have been obsessing about this one for some time. On the left under my tongue I have like a small ball on the right is just a little pointy flap bit. My husband says this is normal and it is just like a bunch of veins and I think he is probably right. What you are worrying about sounds exactly the same as me so maybe it is something that is quite normal. Thank you so much for posting this coz it has put my mind at ease now.

Take care


03-08-08, 12:22
Hi Bex
Like you I thought I and the same things 3 times now in the last 3 years. Anyway various visits to specialist show absolutely nothing and even when I did had a smal white spot it also is nothing.
I think this is a very common issue as we can all see in our own mouths so its easy to imagine and let the mind go mad. Pics of the mouth on the internet do not help either. I was convinced what I had was exactly what was in picture. Turned out it ws nothing like it. :)