View Full Version : fed up!

04-05-05, 11:09
hi everyone
i woke up with odd symptoms again this morning, i cant explain them though, it wasnt a panic attack, i nearly had one because of it though, i think it may have been the anxiety, can anyone tell me how you can control anxiety, i can stop a panic attack, but i seem to wake up with these odd symptoms most mornings, is it mind over matter for this too
luv sue:(

04-05-05, 11:13

Something my boyfriend told me and I never believed until I tried it and it worked. When you are going to sleep, tell yourself "Tomorrow, I will feel fine". Say it over and over again, preferably outloud, and pretty soon you start to believe it and once you start to believe it, it starts to work..It's all in the mind!!

Sarah :D

04-05-05, 14:35
Hi Sue,
I too, wake with horrible symptoms most mornings, they do tend to ease as the day wears on, but i think Sarah's idea sounds good, 'cos the first thing i think about before i have even opened my eyes is - do i feel dizzy, how will i be today, will i be able to get to the shops...it's just another bad habit i have gotten into. i'll try the positive thoughts at bedtime. take care and keep in touch.

04-05-05, 14:57
I just joined this group today. I can't figure out how to post a message about myself so I thought I'd read some other's messages and try to reply. I am enjoying just knowing there are others out there suffering as I am. Is it really mind over matter? if so there is hope!

04-05-05, 16:45
Hi Sue,

Mornings are always the pits for me too. I feel like Iv landed here from a distant place when I first wake up. It takes me all my strength to get through the first few hours, which I do by trying to focus on busying myself.

Claire Weekes advises that we should go to sleep expecting to feel awful the next morning and then it wont seem so bad...just accept it for a while.
This is what I do. I wake and tell myself that its what will happen for a while and it will get better.

Unfortunately Im still waiting.

Take care
Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.