View Full Version : this sucks :( just when i was getting better and now this

03-08-08, 07:12
i was getting better with my anxietys and last night out of the blue i was feeling "weird" my body was trembling all night and i was afriad to fall asleep, when i would start to doze i would force myself to stay awake. by the time it was 6am i hadnt slept and my whole body was shaking and i was increadably nervouse. i cleaned the whole house scrubing anything i could find just so i could be moving. well by the time it was 8am i was all over the place, my vision was really blury, my body shaking like a mad man and i kept feeling like i was going to pass out. so i went to the doctor and he thinks i have a sleep disorder and just referred me to another clinic that deals with that. well i finally passed out on the couch at about 1:00 in the afternoon. at about 2:30 i was woken up by my son crying (my husband was their) and i kind of jerked awake real fast. when i jerked awake my vision was competely disoranted and blury, i stood up and lost my balance and i had this vibration throughout my head that i could feel and hear. the vibration in my head lasted for about 5 minutes and scared me to death. NOW I THINK I HAVE A BRAIN TUMOR!! :(:(:(:(:( my husband thinks i woke up to fast and it was just the blood rushing down from my head or somthing. but i am now convinced i have a brain tumor. and am totally scared.:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

03-08-08, 08:23
I think your husband is right. Often when I stand up too fast, or bend over, I will get dizzy and disoriented. Sometimes when I am just sitting here I will get dizzy, hot, and my eyes get blurry. I just keep trying to tell myself that it is the anxiety kicking my butt. Do you have insurance? If so, then ask your doctor to send you for an MRI. Then you will know for sure that you don't have a brain tumor. If not, then I can totally relate, as I don't have insurance and am having to pay 100% for all of the tests they have been doing. Just know that there are people that feel exactly like you do.

Hope this helps,

03-08-08, 14:47
I hope this message finds you in a better state of mind. No sleep can do strange things to your body. There was a period in time where I slept about 2 hours a night for about a month. I was scared to fall asleep because I knew what the next day would bring, more anxiety. I would get headaches and blurred vision. Dizziness so bad I couldnt function. I would get the shakes from the inside. Your body needs rest because if it doesnt it stays on constant alert for anxiety. It is a vicious cycle. Have you tried deep breathing and relaxation techniques before bed? It will work wonders if you can let your mind wander. Dont worry about a tumor. Those are rare. Anxiety and panic suck but if you learn how to trick them it will work.:hugs: