View Full Version : unfit and struggling with agoraphobia

03-08-08, 13:17
Hiya everyone
Was just wondering if any1 else has same prob as me at the moment ,
As some might know i suffer with panic attacks anxiety and agoraphobia I have been doing small walks each day or when I felt well enough but I am soooooooo unfit I find it difficult which is an added problem 2 my recovery .....My legs are so weak and I get out of breath so quickly even going upstairs can tire me out I know doing small bits a day will help with fitness aswell but at this rate its gna take me years 2 get fit .I had started swimming 3 months ago but cant do that now as agoraphobia so bad x

sorry 2 go on but would like some advice pleasexxxxx
Best wishes 2 u all
Titch xxxx

03-08-08, 14:09
You're not alone. I used to go to the gym 4 or 5 days a week before I got ill. Now my depression/agoraphobia has affected me similarly. In the space of 18 months, I've put on over 2 stone in weight, lost a lot of muscle tone, get tired and breathless going up stairs.

It's easy to give advice and know what to do, there are plenty of exercises we could do at home to help build our strength (pushups, situps, squats, bending/stretching, etc) but the common symptoms & side-effects of our illness/meds often leave us too tired/depressed to actually put it into practice.

The thing is, I don't eat as much as I used to, & try to eat healthily, yet I feel weak and tired all the time, which prevents me doing any exercises at home, can't face going outside jogging. No way can I face the journey to the gym or pool.

03-08-08, 14:34
Hi Kendo ...Thanx ....Im the same I dont eat as much as I used 2 and what I do eat is quite healthy but constantly tired and feel 2 tired or unmotivated 2 do exersise at home I have tried but get bored half way through lol

How are things with you at the moment ?

Take care
Titch x

03-08-08, 14:40
One day at a time, mate.... one day at a time.

All I can suggest is, as difficult as it may be, to try and force myself to take a 10 min walk to the local shop to get some shopping, carry a couple of evenly-weighted carrier bags - one in each hand - and on the walk home, do a few bicep curls with the shopping bags. I find that concentrating on the shopping, helps distract me from agoraphobic panic attacks.

03-08-08, 14:44
Maybe if you got involved in some kind of befriending service then you could be helping someone else and yourself at the same time. I have a very close friend that I visit a few times every week as he is housebound due to MS and also suffers from agerophobia. I have an idea of how difficult the condition is as I have tried so hard to encourage him to leave the house over several years. I know that depression draws on your energy supply and that will make you feel tired and unfit. One of the most difficult things is to learn how to relax but once you master it your energy levels will increase. Everyone finds their own way of relaxing. Don't give in to it and remeber that somtimes the best way to help yourself is by helping someone else. Good Luck.

04-08-08, 12:39
I was completely agoraphobic for 3 years and used to worry about not getting any exercise. I had lost weight and smoked about 50 roll ups a day as well. I used to try and have a go on my daughter's cross trainer but did not have the strength.

I used to walk quickly up and down the stairs. Eventually I had to stop smoking as I couldn't breath, worse at night. I then could move a bit quicker up and down the stairs. It did stop me worrying so much about my lack of fitness so I can understand how you are feeling.

Ask you doctor to see a social worker. One came to my house with a mental health worker. After a while I felt confident to go to the end of my street with him and eventaully walk my dog up the street. I aso had CBT therapy and eventually started to go out into the big bad world by myself. It took many months but now I can walk my dog around the block.

Can you maybe see your doctor. I found that I had to ask for the help that I knew I was entitled to once I felt better to get help to go out of my house.

I hope this is of some help to you


04-08-08, 12:48
Hiya Titch

Create a log of exercises and set goals. To exercise, you don't have to go to the gym or run marathons.

For instance, one good cardio workout is to step up and down on the bottom step for either a number of steps or a time limit. Record this by date and amount so you can chart your progress.

I have used gyms for years, played football and squash and then just stopped when I got anxiety. Ironically enough it is exercise that helped me overcome anxiety (mostly) more than any med or therapy.

Have a look at this site for ideas:


Good luck


04-08-08, 12:53
I've had varying levels of agroraphobia over the last 8 years and as such felt like you do about my lack of exercise, so I bought a mini trampolene (rebounder) and some resistance bands.

I started doing yoga over 4 /5 years ago which really helps with the stress side of things and keeps me limber but it was more the cardiovascular and muscular side of things that concerned me.

I now try and jog for 20 mins on my rebounder as many times a week as I can (deffo could do this more) to music building up at the start from about 5 mins and now managing 20 easily. I also use the resistance bands (like stretchy plastic) to exercise my muscles.

No I don't always feel like doing it but knowing you are being proactive about something gives you a boost and the way I feel afterwards (all sort of relaxed and loose) is definately worth it.

Us lot with anxiety can't afford to see exercise as a luxury - for us its a necessity to get rid of all that free floating adrenaline and make us feel much better.:yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

04-08-08, 12:58
And get rid of all that free floating excessive Pringles ;)

04-08-08, 13:01
Jaco I am thinking of wearing them as earrings now (having had some degree of success wearing hoola hoops on my fingers) - do you think I can carry it off!!!!:D

Piglet :flowers:

04-08-08, 13:21
Thanx 4 all your replies and advice ......I did buy a trampette then realised my house 2 small haha so took it back ....I will start keeping a record of my exercise which at the moment is ...I stood up off the setee ..I sat back down on setee hahaha ....Its getting the motivation i need a kick up the bum .I just dont enjoy exercise at all and find walking difficult as agoraphobic .
I walked a lot in my job but off sick at the mo and feel so lethargic and go giddy as soon as I start any form of exercise

Hope you are all well
Take care
Titch xxxxx