View Full Version : Hello to All- I might need some help

03-08-08, 14:48
Dear All.

Hello. I am writing here for the first time so I thought I would introduce myself.

My name is coffee and I am a 38 yr old man. I think I suffer from health anxiety syndrome. And I really do not know what to do about it so have come across this site in an attempt to find some long term solutions for this really disabling condition.

My story really starts in 2004 when I developed muscle twitches. I ended up seeing a neuro who did nerve conduction studies which proved normal. Shortly after my twitching stopped.

In 2005 I found a lump on my knee, and thinking it was cancer really fell apart. The orthopods took it out and told me it was not cancer. Instead it was a cholesterol lump, and that led directly to a fear of dying early from heart disease.

I started on a vigorous diet and exercise regime, lost loads of weight, and then developed chest pains in 2006. Ended up seeing a cardiologist who organised a stress ECHO which was normal and an EBCT which showed calcium deposits in my coronary arteries- that made my life a living hell.

It took me 6 months to return to some semblence of normality though I would wake up every morning and think I was lucky to have survived the previous 24 hrs. Doing exercise was a great way to reassure myself that I was doing ok from a heart point of view and keep my tensions etc at bay.

Then in 2007 I developed tummy pains and frequency of bowel motion. I ended up seeing a bowel specialist who did not do any tests and suggested it was irritable bowel syndrome from stress. This settled after 6 weeks or so. I also found a lump in my neck in 2007 and saw surgeons who did not remove it and said it was benign. I had 2 scans on this lump and eventually came to live with the fact that this was not going to kill me.

In early 2008 I developed pain in my right hip which I thought was a fracture. I went to see a joint specialist who told me to take anti-infammatories and that it would setltle down. It did not settle down and I ended up seeing another sports specialist who organised an MRI scan of the hips pelvis and back. This was all normal other than some mild inflammation of the hip which settled after a course of anti-inflammatories.

About 5 weeks or so ago I had a bout of coughing followed by the sensation that there was something stuck in my throat and it hurt when swallowing my saliva. I have now seen 3 ENT surgeons who cannot find anything wrong with me. I have had 2 of them pass a laryngoscope down my throat, and 1 has passed a tube down my throat to look at my vocal cords- all could not find anything. I have alot of muscle tension on the right side of my neck and cannot get it out of my head that something is going on.

So, I ask myself, why has this all become so big a deal over the last few years. I suspect there are many things that have led to this.

I have always been of a nervous disposition from childhood. I covered my anxiety with solid front and got on with things. I did not get support from anyone and did not rely on anyone. I was a very isolated child. As I grew up I started forming relationships with people and this forced to face my emotions. I struggled with this and still find it hard to share my emotions. My job involves caring for people with health problems. I see people with lots of sickness and struggling. It desperately feeds my anxiety.

The effect this all has had on me is profound. I verge on the brink of sliding downhill. I constantly ruminate about my symptoms. I do not sleep well. I am forever running to the doctors and specialists. I have paid a small fortune in private fees. And I am getting tired of it all. I feel there are times when I cannot live like this anymore.

I am too embaressed to go to my doctor and share all this. I do not think he wants to listen. I want to be rid of these feelings, or at least find a way to start coping with them but do not know where to start or how to deal with it.

My choices feel rather limited at the moment and would really appreciate some advice. I did previously post here about my knee problems and got lots of sympathy- it made me feel so much better at the time. I do necessarily want sympathy- I would appreciate ideas and solutions, or directions for help.

Many thanks for reading and listening.


03-08-08, 16:24
Hi Coffee,

It does sound alot like anxiety symptoms as I can relate to most of it- especially health anxieties. What you have done so far is probably the right course. The fact that nothing has been found is good becasue from there you have a platform to work with where you can mentally rule out things.

Others may give you better suggestions but personally I think you should go to your GP and ask to be referred to a counsellor. I know from experience how light some GPs can take these things and I wish now I had insisted on being referred to a specialist sooner. From my own situation if I had insisted earlier rather than let it carry on then I would not be in the situation I am in now where I let it get progressively worse until I was so far gone I had to ask for help.

As a male of around the same age as yourself I know how hard it is to admit these type of problems and speak about them. All I can say though is that it is better to do it now than wait till you are forced to do- which might not happen of course. But for your own peace of mind it's better to tackle it now.

All the best


milly jones
03-08-08, 21:42
welcome to nmp hunny

please discuss these concerns with ur gp.

they will not judge u

u have an illness like any other which needs treatment as its affecting ur life

milly xx

04-08-08, 06:39
hi coffee!

I can definitely relate to the health anxiety. Mine started several months ago with a single ectopic beat and now I live in fear of a heart attack. I can also relate to taking care of others, as my career has revolved around taking care of the disabled. This site has been a real lifesaver for me. It is so good to talk to people that understand and really know what you are going through. Everyone is extremely supportive, and you will always find someone who can relate to what is happening.


04-08-08, 07:13
Hi coffee, I am fortunate enough not to suffer with health anxiety but Ican relate to the throat, (as many others on here can), that is how I got my diagnosis of anxiety and depression, I had lots of tests convinced Id got cancer but it was globus hystericos and it has a lot to answer for!!
My gP was great, and refferred me to a counsellor, they have lots of time to sit and listen so please go along and see your gP and ask.
Im sure you will get lots of advice and support here.xxx

04-08-08, 12:21
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

04-08-08, 16:08
Hi Coffee

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

04-08-08, 20:55
Hi Coffee

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

05-08-08, 14:44
Hello Coffee And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

05-08-08, 22:16
A lot of the symptoms you've described are similar to mine. I've had a lump on my neck for going on 3 years now which I will still worry about once in awhile. I figure if it was something serious, it would've popped up by now. Never had a scan, but was told it was a lymph node that was swollen from a serious infection (I had bronchitis a month before I discovered it) and it might not ever go down. And I know where you're coming from with the emotional isolation. It's sooo hard to open up about this. I'm pretty new to this board also, but just from the few posts I've read so far, it seems like it's a very supportive board. I really hope you get what you need from this board and feel better soon. Hang in there!