View Full Version : Tiredness

03-08-08, 15:24
Does anyone else experience feeling really tired? I think I have actually developed an axiety about it. I worry that I am going to fall asleep somewhere when I am out. I rarely feel energised and ready to go. Like I said I know it is an anxiety but I still can't help but worry about it! Sometimes I think 'how am i going to get home without falling asleep?', I always do of course and then usually when I get home I don't feel so tired anymore.

Has anyone else experienced this? It seems like a wierd anxity to me.

03-08-08, 16:05

I can relate to the tiredness. Sometimes at certain times in the day I struggle to keep my eyes open. As I have general anxiety I think it's a result of my body being tensed up all of the time. I'm sure most anxiety sufferers will be able to relate to this.

All the best


03-08-08, 17:41
I think (for myself) that it's a sign of depression, being generally lethargic and lack of interest in things makes it difficult to find any 'get up an go'.

Also, as Nech says, the constant stress/tension does become physically very tiring.

And the meds may be giving some side-effects of tiredness/lethargy.

03-08-08, 17:49
Yep,.. I think both Nech and Kendo have mentioned what I was going to suggest, but also,.. have you had your Thyroid checked recently?

Maybe best to get your GP to check out your Thyroid, your balance maybe under. I have Hypothyroidism and before taking Thyroxine I felt just so bad. Another test is for Anaemia. Both of these tests, could be done at the same time by a simple blood test.

Good luck x

04-08-08, 07:34
I think the anxiety contributes to being tired.................I find being anxious and panicky exhausting. After a panic attack I feel absolutely drained.

Having said that, it would be good just to check with your doctor to make sure there aren't any underlying causes like anaemia.

Mornings are my worst time, just feeling sluggish and can't get going.
