View Full Version : New Member-Needs Help and Support!

04-05-05, 15:55
I just joined the group. I have been suffering from some very severe depression & anxiety, I sought medical help, but the medication I was put on can take 4 to 6 weeks to start helping me. I am only on the 3rd week. I am frightened, shake, my heart pounds, I can't concentrate, can't sleep, don't enjoy anthing I used to enjoy. Are there others out there who have felt this way, or are feeling like this now? Can you tell me if there is hope? I am so frightened, I fear going insane.

04-05-05, 16:01
for starters you are not going insane!
you have come to the right place for support as many if not all of us have been through and are going thru what u are going through now.
what meds are you on? you could be having some side effects from them, but they disappear and you should start feeling some relief soon.
And of course there is hope, there is always hope. Go to the success area of the board and you can read a few stories there..
hang in there and keep in touch. Theres lots to read on the home pages too that makes you realise you are not alone.

04-05-05, 16:16
Hello Landis,
As Lisa says your not going insane!

As for the medication i know that it's usually 4-5 weeks before the anxiety settles down try not to worry, have a good look around the board you'll find lots of posts with people feeling the same as you.

P.S Welcome to the site:D:D

Take care


04-05-05, 16:17
Hi Landis,

Welcome .

Which meds are you settling onto . They can make you feel worse than ever to start with and then the benefits kick in ..

Everything you describe is completely part of the disorder and thinking you're going insane is too .. most of us have been there at some point

Start here and we'll advise more as you settle in here

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-05-05, 16:35
hello there, its very easy to say try not to worry or feel scared, all i can say is that i promise it will start to go, all these symptons are side effects, the doctors dont tend to explain how horrific the side effecst are when u first go on medication which is awful. you feel awful so u take medication and the first few weeks make u feel even more insane than u had to start with but i promise it does get better, try and keep things as calm as u can, hide away for a few days and try to rest and sleep, dont put ureself in stressful situations, surround ureslf with people who can help or sympathise . dont try and rationalize how u feel it is completely terrifying i know but it will pass, stick it out and in a week or two things will calm down enough for the relief to set in and the fear to pass. You will be ok!! try and curl up in a duvet and just sleep as much as u can (easier said than done) there is no shame in feeling how u do, it is the most scary experience ever but we all know how u feel here, we have all been through it and make sure u stay in touch and keep talking, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx P.s i felt like i was completely our o my face on the most horrific drug ever, a complete gouged out feeling, i felt scared, sick, insane, tingling electric feelings in my cheeks and head but it really will start to go soon in the next week or two, the first few hours after u have taken the medication are worse u can actually feel yourself coming up aND THEN DOWN again but slowly ull notice this goes and ull feel calm and relieved, xxx

beth xx

04-05-05, 18:54
Hi Landis,
So sorry you are feeling bad but, you are definately not going insane, if you were you wouldn't even think about it. Take things easy (if that's poss) try to be kind to yourself, the meds. will kick in soon and then you will be able to slowly get back to feeling how you used to. take care and keep in touch, there is always hope i can promise you xx

04-05-05, 19:06
Welcome aboard!! Hope we can give you some good advice. :D

04-05-05, 20:58
Hi Landis

Yes I've been there myself too...Even if you think you're going insane or there's no way out, I can reassure you , there is
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">hope</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">.
You just need a bit more time, you're having a bad patch, it will get better. But for now, we are here to support you, you're not alone.
Take care.


**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

04-05-05, 21:23
Oops I didnt mean to put "hope" as a quote. Just meant to write it bold.

Take care.

**To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.**

04-05-05, 22:20
Hi Landis

Welcome to the forum.

You will get some good help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.