View Full Version : please tell me you feel this too!!!!

03-08-08, 17:12
Just wanting to know if anyone else feels these things, so it can put my mind at ease...
My stomach is always a mess, and it just makes me feel like maybe I am getting sick or getting the flu. Then I start to worry about that...
I feel this way, even when I am not experiencing any anxiety. Is that just like....leftover anxiety or stress? Can it cause physical symptoms even when you aren't feeling anxious anymore, when you are calm and relaxed?
Also....like lots of people here, I have chest pains. But they are more like.....muscle pains, but they never really go away. Again, even when I am not feeling anxious. Its like all the muscles in the front and back of my chest, and all down my left arm just feel really really tight and achy. Like the flu. Its not heart attack (biggest fear) because its been around for months and months and sometimes it comes and goes...last for a few days, then goes away for a while. It feels like muscle twitches down my arm, but then it also feels like an air pocket or bubble or something in my chest, on the left side. It doesnt really hurt....its just...that I sense it, I totally know its there.
PLease tell me its just anxiety and Im doing it to myself!

03-08-08, 17:34
Yeah, kinda like butterflies in the tummy? I have that a lot, and tightness in my chest making it hard to breathe, even when I'm relatively calm.

I think it is just a sign of the underlying stress/anxiety.

If in doubt, ask your GP next time you see him/her.