View Full Version : What a difference a week or two makes!

lou lou
03-08-08, 17:16
Wow, well i haven't had a panic attack for around 3/4 weeks now, however i have also just found out i am pregnant again, so maybe this is why! i'm still waking up during the night, but i just don't seem to think about it for some reason.
Does anybody know by any chance if PA's can be harmful in pregnancy?

Anna C
03-08-08, 17:46

Congratulations on your pregnancy, you must be over the moon!!:D
Well done for not having any panic attacks for 4 weeks.:yesyes:
You are doing really well, enjoy your pregnancy and being panic free.

I don't know if panic attacks effect pregnancy, but someone on here will know. I'm sure they can't do you any harm though while you are pregnant.
Take care Anna x

04-08-08, 03:56
Good job and congrats fo course. I dont think your panic attacks are going to harm you or your child but i would talk to your Dr about this concern and keep as calm as possible of course since your pregnancy will be hard enough as it is. But oh what a reward children are. Grats again! good luck!

04-08-08, 05:17
Congratulations!!!! I have had three babies with panic attacks and they did not harm any of them. I actually had anxiety so severe in my last pregnancy that my pulse was usually 130 while at rest. Your baby is nice and safe. Maybe the change in hormones is helping ease the panic.
Good Luck and congrats again. Keep us updated!

04-08-08, 06:17
Congratulations lou lou!!!

Yay for babies and yay for no panic attacks!!!


lou lou
04-08-08, 15:44
Thankyou all, i think i cursed myself though, i had a very slight pa last night, but i managed to relax myself & calm myself down & it was gone within a matter of minutes!!
I just really hope this may be the beginning of the end for my PA's