View Full Version : Hi, me and a long intro

03-08-08, 20:59
Hi all, I'm Hussain, I'm 22.

I suffered my first attack in september 2003 (I know the date and time too :ohmy:) and from then have had the weirdest ride in my life. Alot of it negative, but quite a few positive. Generally my anxiety is kinda conquered already, but stress is a different factor for me. I never really thought of the two as seperate, but they act in different ways for me. I got IBS 2 years ago due to a huge stressful event which got the better of me and have been fighting that sort of battle since.

I'm a student in uni and I have a part time job as a sales assistant. I had quite a blip about 2-3 days ago because basically I thought I was hearing things. You see I have a rather odd kind of symptom which I get from stress, I start hearing police sirens or anything else if I concentrate on it. Its not really that 'vivid' the best way to describe it would be like when some people hear something that turns out to be something else when they wake up in the morning or even before they sleep and it lasts for like 10 seconds or less. This happens to me not just by being stressed, but when I over-exercise, its kind of strange I know, but I'm kinda used to it.

Anyway the sirens were a lot more vivid then they usually were one night and unfortunetly I freaked out thinking it was me, because I thought the sirens wouldn't last as long as they did, but this was a new house that I moved into so I wasn't even sure. Anyway I actually managed to get to work on friday/saturday despite my IBS kicking in quite badly, but last night a similar situation happened and I really thought I would 'check myself in'. I couldn't go to work today even though I actually made the train journey and just told my supervisor there I was ill and left.

So what did I do? Well basically this afternoon when I heard a 'vivid' siren that was lasting too long I grabbed my phone and recorded it, then I played it back and sure enough it was real. I was/am hugely relieved, but the damage has been done and it'll take a while for me to get 'back on track'. I sarted searching for places that do Tai Chi or Yoga and someone came across this site. Usually I really don't want to make my problems so 'out there' but I thought what the hey, maybe I'll meet some people who can relate, friends and I may even be able to help some people myself.

If you read all that your a trooper and I thank you :)

03-08-08, 21:15
Hi Hussain

Welcome to the site I am sure you will meet many people on here who will offer you good support and advice.

Take care


04-08-08, 06:41
Hi Hussain!

This site has been a real lifesaver for me. It is so good to talk to people that understand and really know what you are going through. Everyone is extremely supportive, and you will always find someone who can relate to what is happening.


04-08-08, 07:06
Hi hussain and welcome, Im sorry things have been difficult for you but hope they may improve now youve found this site. I cant relate to the noises as I havent suffered from that but I bet you someone will be along who has and you will realise you are not alone and you will get support.
Take care.xx

04-08-08, 10:40
Thanks guys :)

milly jones
04-08-08, 11:57
hi matey

welcome to nmp

noises really get me anx too. i have tinitus. the phone makes me jump and feel sick.

i have been told that its the anticipation of impending doom, thus the anx.

perhaps u associate the siren with danger and cos ur anx its making u alert and imagine it sometimes

hugs to u

milly xx

04-08-08, 12:17
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

04-08-08, 21:00
Hi Hussain

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

04-08-08, 22:34
Hi Hussain

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

05-08-08, 14:37
Hello Hussain And Welcome To The Site , I Wish Ya Well, Linda