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View Full Version : what does your chest pain feel like?

03-08-08, 22:59
So my chest pain comes and goes all the time. When I am anxious, when I am not....and it feels like a dull ache. Its not really a sharp pain, but it comes on suddenly. I feel it either underneath my left breast, or right in the middle, along the breast bone, on either side. It feels like a strong bruising sensation. It isnt burning (NOT heartburn) or crushing, it just feels like an ache, that comes on all of a sudden. It lasts for a bit then goes away, then either comes back or doesnt.
It is just sore tense muscles? What is happening?
I have no breathing issues, at all.....and its not like my heart is missing beats or anything, its just this pain in my chest.

Venus Calling
04-08-08, 00:27
I have this and it really bothers me. I get it whether I am calm or not too. I've got it quite bad at the moment because I got angry and it worried me quite a bit but it's easing off a little. Nothing makes it go away, heartburn stuff or painkillers. I can sometimes feel it in my back as well. A doctor at the hospital told me it could be my posture because I use a crutch or pain from my shoulders causing referred pain. I don't know - I just wish it would go away!

Venus Calling
04-08-08, 00:31
Just a quick thought - I've got some Movelat Relief gel and it says on the tube it's for muscle pain among other things so I am going to give it a try and see if it helps - in theory it should as it will be absorbed by the skin - so I'll let you know! :)

04-08-08, 01:35
Yeah do let me know!! Thanks JR.
I have it right now, and it just makes me take all my positive thinking away to focus on this pain!!!! I know its destructive, but it makes me worry so much, cause all of a sudden it will really hurt.

Venus Calling
04-08-08, 02:17
The pain went away and I haven't felt it since - it probably took about 20-25 mins to go. I might just have calmed down, it's hard to tell really but I'll apply it in the morning and throughout the day and see if it comes on or not as not a day goes by when it doesn't. I know I would feel less anxious if I didn't get this.

04-08-08, 05:29
Mine feels like someone sitting on my chest and grabbing something inside and twisting it. I get it into my arm and up into my jaw as well and that is what makes it scarier.

04-08-08, 06:50
Mine is an ache that is right behind my left breast most of the time. It also hurts on the right side and in the middle, and sometimes feels like it is under my left ribs. My neck, jaw, and shoulder will hurt too sometimes. The pain is usually a dull ache, but sometimes it is really sharp. Like I have a cramp in my chest, and there is often pressure as well... I find that having my back massaged right between my shoulder blades will make it go away. It also helps to stretch my arms and, as best as I can, my chest muscles...
The chest pain really is the worst, most terrifying part to me, but I am slowly coming to believe that it isn't my heart. Easier when it doesn't hurt than when it does, though....


04-08-08, 16:41
Yeah, its hard not to panic when you feel pain in your chest eh? Telling yourself that your heart is fine in those moments....just doesnt work!!! Its like pure terror because you are experiencing this pain. Every single time.

Venus Calling
04-08-08, 22:03
Hi again - I used the Movelat Relief Gel all day today and I didn't get any pain at all apart from when one application had started to wear off which reminded me to re-apply it. It might be worth a try. The skin on my chest still feels strange but it isn't hurting me which has made me feel better in itself - whether it actually works or is having a placebo effect I don't know - only time will tell. :)

05-08-08, 02:51
Where do you get the movelat? I am just not sure if I can get it in the states, other than on the net, and then the shipping will probably be sky high, not sure though... sounds like a good thing to try anyway...

05-08-08, 04:03
hi you guys i have same sensations and the Dr says its due to bad posture being a dental hygienist but i also feel at times when i'm talking about my situation to people i get tingling sensation in my head and when i'm feeling stressed or sometimes not i feel pressure in my head. I don't know if its from being dizzy all the time or what? anyone else has these feelings?

Venus Calling
05-08-08, 10:13
It's available over the counter in chemists (and on prescription). I think it was about £7 for a reasonably large tube - you don't need much. I'm going to do a day without it today (if I can!) just to make sure it's not all in my imagination - I'm sure it's not as I can already feel it and I haven't used it since last night... I do suffer with musculoskeletal pain anyway.

I would imagine there is something similar in the States - maybe it's called something else. This site tells you the ingredients - maybe you could ask your pharmacist Amy?


It's worth a try - it's not overly expensive in the scheme of things and if it provides relief it's definitely worth it.

05-08-08, 18:34
I will definitely check it out, thanks Jupiter!

I got a shiatsu pillow yesterday, and it has worked WONDERS. Now, everytime I get a chest pain, I set that thing to work on my back and, for at least a little bit, it just goes away!

Venus Calling
05-08-08, 18:49
I bought something similar last week - it has four large vibrating prongs that really get into the muscles - it's lovely!

06-08-08, 19:30
Mine has these two little arm-like things that go in a circle, oh it is SO good! Now I don't have to ask the boyfriend to rub my back every hour! LOL

milly jones
06-08-08, 19:51
oww i hate those they give me anx and really wind me up

hate the noise whirring lol

much rather have real hands

milly xx

07-08-08, 03:19
Well, yes, there is no substitute for real hands =)

16-09-08, 11:14
i have the same thing to it is useually under my left breast and feels like an achin pain i get very panicy about it sometimes i have been to the doctors about 6 times wiv it and he just says it's inflamed ribs!!
it also sometimes go's down my left arm and in my back
i know it is not my heart but it is still very scary
painkillers dont help at all or acid tabs or heart burn tabs!!

01-12-09, 17:17
So my chest pain comes and goes all the time. When I am anxious, when I am not....and it feels like a dull ache. Its not really a sharp pain, but it comes on suddenly. I feel it either underneath my left breast, or right in the middle, along the breast bone, on either side. It feels like a strong bruising sensation. It isnt burning (NOT heartburn) or crushing, it just feels like an ache, that comes on all of a sudden. It lasts for a bit then goes away, then either comes back or doesnt.
It is just sore tense muscles? What is happening?
I have no breathing issues, at all.....and its not like my heart is missing beats or anything, its just this pain in my chest.

01-12-09, 20:44

Well, it's worth looking into Costochondritis/Tietze Syndrome, as well as Myofascial (inflammation) syndrome, which is sort of related to Fibromyalgia.

I thought I had Costochondritis, but I'm seeing a doctor now for Myofascial inflammation.

I've had pain almost 24/7 all over my left chest--up and down, and right through to my shoulder blade on my back--for well over a year now. I've been in and out of emergency wards for years over my panic attacks.

Chest pain is not necessarily due to heart attack possibilities--though it can be.

Just saying that it might be something else maybe.

I really really feel for you, though. Chest pain is AWFUL, especially when it is there all the time, or doesn't make sense, or no doctor can figure it out. And then you add in panic attacks, too (if you have them), and it's rough.

03-12-09, 23:44
I feel a sort of "awareness" of the centre of my chest which seems to spread out to both sides of my ribs like a kind of white butterfly. I first noticed this when I started taking citalopram. Back in those dark days my anxiety seemed to "shift" inside my chest like it was a living animal warning me that it was still there and still in control.

These days I'm in charge most of the time and the feeling that I have an "animal" living inside me is long gone. I was diagnosed with a possible stomach ulcer which would explain some of the symptoms.

I think at the end of the day, chest sensations are just one of the many weird symptoms of anxiety. It's where anxiety can live.

04-12-09, 04:47
Those are the same pains I have had for months. I went to the ER several times thinking I was having a heart attack. Dull ache in the center of my chest and then arm pits then up my neck into my jaw. It would throw me right into a full blown panic attack. I finally went to the the most repsected cardiologist where I live here in Atlanta. I had a stress eco (ultrasound of the entire heart) everything was fine. I was put on Xanax .5, 3 x a day to ease my mind. The doctor said that when the muscles contract in a panic attack it will alot of times start in the chest and when they contract you can feel the sensation all throughout your arms, neck, back, face etc. ******this may sound crazy too but I sit at a desk 5 days a week so I was also told it could be my posture, Twice a week I let my 75 pound 11 year old daughter walk up and down my back as I lay on the floor, and that really helps. Believe it or not sometimes when you think your chest is hurting its really your back******** Hope you get to feeling better.
