View Full Version : panic and uni

04-08-08, 02:11
i just finished my first year at uni. and i have to say it wasnt a good year.
at the start i'd made a few what i thought at the time were close friends but it turned out they werent.

i have depression and panic which ive had for 2 years. and since i was at uni i'd been in hosptial for overdosing 4 times and my so called friends new this and at the time helped me out.

a few weeks before i finish uni they got other people to send me and my fiance death threaths via phone calls and text messages so we both had to change our numbers.

this happened in may to june but since this has happened and ive come home i dont want to see any of my friends from home and wont go near my phone and most of my anxiety and panic is coming from what happened with these so called friends.

to this day i dont know what ive done to upset them so much [they all said they never liked me from day one and im faking my depression and panic etc] ive told the uni but i didnt keep all the messages so theres not much they can do. and i dont want to confront them as im not good with confronting people anyway and i think it would make it worse. i havent seen or spoke to any of them since may but i still think about it nearly every day. and i dont know how to get rid of the panicy feeling i get from it.

thanks for your time

04-08-08, 03:12
hiya hun and welcome, sounds like you had an awful time hun, well you will get some great advice and support here and make some genuine lovely friends too. you will meet some real genuine friends, they are about i know how u feel i have had some that u think are good mates and they turn out opposite. i find it hard to trust but i have 1 or 2 good mates now and you will find some too. overdosing isnt the answer hun, please dont do it again cos there is help out there, have u had any counsellig? im having cbt and its really good. anyway this place is great and everyone understands each other so please feel safe here. hugs xxx

04-08-08, 09:03
hey thanks =]
i did when i was young but not any more, ive got a community psychiatric nurse. only problem with that is i have to drive 2 hours to see her for one hour a week and i cant afford to keep doing it =[