View Full Version : worried about sept

04-08-08, 03:00
im going into my 2nd year at uni and my so called friends all fell out with me so i'll be going back to uni in sept with just my fiance and me and knowing people but not really being friends with any one.
the main thing that worriies me is that i get very panicy walking around anywere on my own and being in big crowds on my own.

04-08-08, 05:21
Defintely a normal fear. You will do fine though. Just concentrate on what you are there for and remember your fiance is there for you and I bet things go great for you!

04-08-08, 05:28
IT is a normal thing to feel when going back to school. Try not to worry about it. Everything will be fine. Keep yourself focused on your studies and your fiance and don't worry about people not being your friend. If they don't speak to you, hon, they never were your friends to begin with. Be your own best friend and and forget about everyone else.....except your fiance, of course.


04-08-08, 06:29
I found that what helped me the most when I was going to school was keeping in mind that I was there to learn, and the teachers were there to teach me. I would try to forget that there was anyone else even in the classroom. Getting to and from class is a little trickier, though, but maybe you could get your fiance to walk with you the first few days? I know that the crowds were the hardest part for me, especially at the beginning of the semester (it always seemed so much more crowded then)... I would just stay focused on where I was going, and get there as quickly as possible...

Hope this helps,

04-08-08, 09:07
thanks alot for all your help.
thats really helped =]

04-08-08, 11:49
Hi bubblerawk

Another suggestion is take advantage of all the new clubs and societies that advertise at the beginning of each year. Perhaps go along to a few that way you will be able to make new friends. Was the argument that serious is there no way back. We all have fall outs but if the friendship was strong then a good chat on the phone may help sort things out.

04-08-08, 12:37
I am in exactly the same position, i have just transferred universities and will be restarting the second year at a different university and like yourself i get very panicky when walking around on my own.
If you wanna pm me please do!! xx

04-08-08, 20:06
ohh yeah theres no way back, they were sending me death threats =[

20-08-08, 17:06
Don't worry about it, we'll do this together and nothing can bring us down =]

With our irresistable charm we'll be fine =D


20-08-08, 19:44
In my 2nd year at Uni I made a different circle of friends - I think everyone does. I think first yr mates are just to be sure you have mates and you cling to them like limpets cos' you all away from home and don't want to be lonely. But 2nd yr mates are cos' you like them!

I loved my 2nd yr at Uni - it was the best year of my life. So don't worry too much about it . Everyone changes mates and you'll find others who didn't make good mates in the first year.