View Full Version : Oral Cancer fears

04-08-08, 04:17
I, 33 yo male, recently noticed a small hard growth underneath the skin on one retromolar pad(skin behind molar). I can notice it to the touch, but it is not easily visible (although looks whitish when I agitate it). No pain, except I have been agitating. It may have been present previously, but I cannot be sure.

I quit using tobacco about 1 month ago, but have used either chewing tobacco or smoked on and off for the past 14 years. Do not drink much now , but had my fair share throughout my 20s. No history of oral cancer in family.

I am paranoid and will bring it up at my next regularly scheduled dentist visit (2 weeks), but looking for idieas of what this could be. I went to walk in clinic and he said no visible signs of cancer, but I am still concerned.

I am concerned and slightly hypochondriacish. Your advice on what this may be, other than cancer, would be helpful.

04-08-08, 05:12
Did you already get your wisdom teeth? Its not them coming through is it? I get alot of lumps and bumps in my mouth that I tend to worry about as well but they go away in time. With your age and no family history I am sure the chances are quite low of it being anything serious. Maybe if its still there visit the dentist or doctor and have them take a look. Likely the dentist might be better because they can xray. I am very hypchondriacish so I can understand your worry.
Congratulations on one month no smoking, that is fantastic!!! I will be 11 years smoke free in November!

04-08-08, 17:03
Thank you for the response and nice work on 11 years. I did have one set (top or bottom) of wisdom taken out, but I am not sure which one, so that could be the case. Also, a few months ago I had a CT scan to look into some sinus problems I have been having. If it were cancer, should it have picked it up?

04-08-08, 18:47
For sure it wouldve picked it up. I wouldnt worry to much.

05-08-08, 00:16
Once again, I appreciate your thoughts. Possibly it will help alleviate me sticking my finger in my mouth all day picking the stupid thing. Nerves and anxiety are still high, but slightly better.

05-08-08, 07:03
I think it is unlikely you have cancer although it is good to get a check up from your dentist. There are other symptoms of mouth cancer besides the lump you describe so I wouldn't worry too much. It's probably just a mouth ulcer which we all get.

05-08-08, 16:14
Thanks Jesse