View Full Version : Any help suggestions?

04-08-08, 04:49
Hey there,
I guess i should give some background info really- its like 4:45am so sorry if this is a bit rabbly!

I guess it all started when i was about 10. I had 3 unknown seizures within the first hour of going to sleep and was put on anti convulsives until i was 16 and have not had a fit since.
I started having panic attacks shortly after and had to go into hospital twice as i just couldnt handle them, i have now being having them atleast once a day... most of the time i just get a bit hot and then because i feel like that i panic or i feel "surreal" and that bring the panic on.

I was on beta blockers last year for the panic and tbh i cant remember if they helped or not (prolly not a good thing as im only 20)
However i am meant to be going for a long train journey on my own on thurday and as you can imagine, i dont EVER travel far as the panic is totally ruining my life- if i get too far from home i start to panic and feel trapped like i have no escape etc.

Its almost like my body creates too much adreneline but my drs are not interested anymore and just have said im a anxious person.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of what i can do to calm down and try to get on with my life... im even starting to panic now thinking about panicing!! its such a vicious cycle :(

Any help/ideas would be greatly appriciated



04-08-08, 05:09
First off Welcome to NMP.
I am sorry you are going through so much. If things are starting to get out of control you should defintely see your GP and see about being on meds or other methods of treatment whether it be CBT, or therapy etc. I too do not like being away from home at all. I would be in a panic about a trip as well and likely come up with an excuse not to go. But try to look at the trip and going on it as a step towards getting better. I have had panic attacks for 17 years now and I am just slowly learning ways that I can cope better. I find exercise helps ALOT! As does daily relaxation. I am also getting weekly massages and vitamin B12 injections and have started high dose fish supplements and B supplements. They are all suppose to help with anxiety. I am actually starting to see a difference. I react differently now. I seem to be able to handle stress better. I still have off days but I dont let them bother me as much.
Anyhow, I am sure you will get lots of great advice on here and if you need someone to chat with feel free to pm me. Its only 12:15am here!

04-08-08, 05:15
Thank you so much, i will definatly look into the supplements and i am hoping i can get an appointment with my gp in a few hours time- i still havnt slept yet im so panicy :(
Yes i have been trying to come up with excuses for not going for the past week now but the reward is my bf from northern ireland will be waiting for me at the event... i guess il load my ipod full of music and take my nintendo ds and try to take my mind off everything... (if that fails hope the doc gives me something reletivly knocking out lol)

04-08-08, 05:23
The Ipod is a great idea!! Maybe ask your Doc if he can give you an Ativan for the trip there and back. Just a low dose or even just take half to take any edge off. How wonderful that you will get to see your bf! I hope you have a wonderful time!

04-08-08, 06:16
I definitely understand about not liking to be far away from home, but I think you are on the right track with the distractions, I am especially fond of video games =) I hope you are able to see your gp, and I hope you have a really great time on your trip! Don't try to come up with a reason not to go, because the reward there is so great (at least to me, if it were my boyfriend)....

This place is really great, though, and has a lot of good posts for just about anything you can imagine that you may be going through. The people here are amazing, and everyone will do their best to give you as much support as you need.

Hope this helps,