View Full Version : Morning Anxiety

04-08-08, 07:29
I quite often wake up with a jittery feeling, and feeling anxious. Often it does wear off through the day.

This morning I was desperate to start the day off well but of course the anxiety was there. Maybe I'm trying too hard..............perhaps I should try and ignore it.

I feel sort of jittery but my heart isn't racing, I'm not sweaty or pale, I don't feel really ill , just sluggish.....................so I could probably rule out a heart problem at this stage. My left hand and arm feels a bit prickly but that could be the way I'm sitting at the computer and typing. See, now I've told you all this I am already starting to feel better (and a bit foolish).

Does anyone else have this problem in the mornings? How do you cope?

I really want to wake up after a good nights sleep and face the day head-on, be like other people around me, fresh and smiling and ready for anything.

Anxiety stinks :weep:


Granny Primark
04-08-08, 07:40
I feel very anxious most mornings.
I worry about the day ahead and the things I have to do. Yet very often the anticipation is far worse than the actual thing itself.
I dont sleep particularly well either.
However I do have a suspicion that what may be making the palpitations and sluggish feelings worse is my caffeine intake.
For the last 3 weeks Ive had to take my daughter to work and where she works isnt too far away but ive got vivid memories of the panic attacks ive had whilst driving thru the town. No matter how hard I try I still feel full of fear whilst taking her work. And I think this fear is making me unable to sleep properly.
Its good to know that once youve told someone how you feel you are begining to feel better pansy.

04-08-08, 13:54
Anxiety is always bad personally in the mornings feel so overwelmed by everything so quick and its horrible feel sluggish and glazed over the only thing that wakes me up fully is exercise and lots of it.
Personally am trying to get to bed earlier but it doesnt always work.

04-08-08, 14:45
I remember mornings well. I'd wake up, and for the shortest instant, feel wonderful. Then, just as quickly the anxiety would wash over me, as if I were empty and suddenly filled up with it. It was as if I had to "remember" it first, before it took effect. Come to think of it, one of the first thoughts I'd have in the morning was "do I have that feeling?". As if looking for it. And, sure enough, there it would be.

Think about it . . . or, better yet, *don't* think about it.

milly jones
04-08-08, 15:56
hi hun

i wake sluggish each moring, remembering all my present worries.

i usually feel better by lunchtime, as im often distracted by then.

however at bedtime they all come flooding back.

guess the key is distraction as much as possible.

milly xxx

Worried worrier!
04-08-08, 22:45
Every morning, as soon as i get out of bed i feel anxious and have feelings of dread.
All my worries and fears seem to go through my mind all at once and i always start the day on edge.
The fear/anxiety is increased if my partner is at work as i have responsibility of looking after my toddlers and i seem to be developing monophobia.
Most of the time, after a cup of tea and when i start planning the day ahead, it starts to fade away.

Spiritual Butterfly
05-08-08, 01:03
:ohmy:I completely understand that feeling, I have had that so many times, my Mum rings me at 10am everyday to make sure Iam out of bed as I live on my own. Its almost like your body is in physical pain even though it isn't but the symptoms I have is like a belt round my waist & someone is pulling it tighter so you almost can't breathe. It is slowly easing with my medication. This is one of the reasons Iam off work sick at the moment.
I really feel for you its not nice. I would love to be able to just jump out of bed without feeling like that & be able to keep a job down & just feel normal. My life was normal at 17 now at 37 I feel like Iam 67. We just have to try & carry on somehow cope with things but keep posting on this website because we are all understanding & it does help to talk to people. Right now I am feeling anxious & nervy, I suffer with Diabetes type 1 & my Diabetic nurse has just changed my meds I was on 2 injections a day but from last Friday Iam now on 4, my last injection of the evening is midnight. My sugars were a little high before so I think it triggers my nerves off, I have to try & focus on something else ho! hum!:unsure: Keep fighting.

Kind regards,


05-08-08, 16:33
Thanks for your replies.

I am going to try and ignore any physical sympton I get in the mornings. Should be interesting........:D

Hope you all feel a bit better.


06-08-08, 03:04
I could probably rule out a heart problem at this stage.(health fears)

ive got vivid memories of the panic attacks ive had whilst driving thru the town. (fear of panics whilst driving)

i wake sluggish each moring, remembering all my present worries.(general worries)

The fear/anxiety is increased if my partner is at work as i have responsibility of looking after my toddlers and i seem to be developing monophobia. (stress and fear of coping alone)

be able to keep a job down (stress at work)

In one word......."Habit".

If we're confronted by a lion, we don't actually "think" about being eaten, we just panic at the "sight" of it.

When we wake, we don't actually "think" of the things in the day we're afraid of, we just start to panic because our "subconscious thoughts" about our fears in the day ahead make us panic.

Whatever causes us fear during the day will surface in our subconscious as soon as wake so to wake in the morning without feeling fear is by making changes to the causes to our stress and learning not to be afraid of normal anxious feelings.:hugs:

07-08-08, 11:18
I wake up feeling sad and then it usually turns into anxiety. I have been at my new job for just over 3 months now and I have two big projects to do and when I think about them I become anxious and depressed and can't cope. I put them off until tomorrow when I promise myself I will get cracking 1st thing. Well I don't. It makes me feel like a fraud in my work. I have also picked up 3 kilos from binge eating to help my anxiety :D

07-08-08, 23:12
I was the same Pansy realy scared in the morning didnt have hart promblems r palptions just had realy bad fear u get it cause u mite have had realy bad day b4.i still get the morning feeling (feeling dissy bit scared) but i no wat it is so i close my eyes n try go bk sleep.try the same u will b fine

nic x
08-08-08, 16:12
hi, i have just started getting these feelings on a morning, i no exactly what u mean, its been the past 3 weeks are so for me, im thinking its because im stressed right out at the moment, kids are on school holidays!! so iv had very little me time. when you find out how to stop them, please let me know to, as nothing is seeming to take mine away xx

08-08-08, 16:37
My anxiety is ALWAYS worse in the morning. I think it is because you can't rationalise the worries your mind generates when you're asleep and I often wake up very on edge.

The key things I do are:
- remember that worry is not harmful and the symptoms always go away, even if it takes a while
- do a progressive relaxation - clench your toes and then relax them, clench your calfs and knees, then relax etc. for the whole of the body
- focus on my breath - not particularly trying to control it, but just watching it go in and out (which takes some of your attention away from the thoughts and racing heart etc.)
- then, if that doesn't work, distraction is powerful - try and really absorb yourself in something, and even if you break your attention to go back to the worrying/physical symptoms, keep trying to return to the distracting activity.

And going on this forum and reading other's success stories or tips or even worries so you know you're not alone, is good.

love sfee x

Caz 47
08-08-08, 21:12
Hi im new on here and i too suffer morning anxiety problems very badly i awake to my heart beating very fast i can hear it in my chest and it does frighten me sometimes .. i then think of the day ahead and then panic sets in it just goes on a rollercoater ride in my brain what ifs all the time i try to think positive about the day but only the negatives surface i do try to tell myself to live moment to moment and not to panic it lasts for a while then when my day has started it gets a little better .. but i do know how everyone feels with this and thankyou for the advice to try to calm my fears it is comforting to know others have the same feelings as myself and that im not alone ...