View Full Version : Work again

04-05-05, 21:59
Hello everyone,
I feel a bit bad posting about work again!!!
But here goes....
We employed a new purchasing manager 3 weeks ago after i decided i didnt want the stress anymore. Im sure they wanted to do it a long time ago but waited for me toadmit i couldnt cope - but thats another story.
Well i did really well the last fortnight and have tried to show him around the system (which doesnt work for love nor money).
It got to me a LOT hearing his negativity and huffs and puffs 9god i sound awfuL
But i got through it......by Friday i was absolutely worn out and looking forward to the bank holiday weekend!!
On Saturday i went out after much cajolement from my boyfriend, got in the car, drove down the hill where i had my accident (for those of you who read that), and felt absolutely AWFul. I thought i was dying. I came back home.
BY sunday, i had psyched myself up so much that i had to go out for his SAKE AND FOR our future that i actually managed to sit in the car CALMlLY and we went into Birmingham and had a really good day (not at first - i was doing the hanging near the exit thing)
But i got through it...and felt really proud!
SO PROUD AND HAPPY that on Monday i decided to do it again.
We went into Walsall and to cut a VERY long story short.....i dont know how i survived the journey, i was so tired, i made him pull over on the way there.. but i got out the car trying to face it..i grabbed his hand all the way theough town, i sent him into holland and barrett to buy some rescue remedy and you know what? i havent tried that stuff for ages but it seemed to have an affect.

I suppose at the end of the day i didnt feel up for work following that.....i havent been to work for two day
i text my boss yesterday and today...i have felt so knackered!!! Its a poor excuse and i would appreciate any thoughts.
I am so tired, i have struggled to get anythng done these last few days....and on top of that i am due to get my hair coloured at home tomorrow argh!! i hate people coming round haha

Why doesnt life sort itself out?

Sorry for going on and having an extended moan.. X

04-05-05, 23:19
hi Sue,

Well done for coping so well!! You did great. Anxiety really wears you out so it is no wonder that you are so tired after all that exitement. Just try to relax for a while and you will get your strength back..

Sarah :D

05-05-05, 02:56
Hi Sue

You have done really well coping with all of that. You are right to feel proud of your achievements.

Like Sarah said anxiety does leave you feeling really exhausted and you have been challenging yourself a lot in the past couple of weeks.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

05-05-05, 14:19
Sue - how are you feeling today hun? :D

05-05-05, 14:41

Well done for all your achievements. Focus on those and keep working on overcoming your agoraphobia slowly but steadily.

Seems that you're sorting life out bit by bit. You could take the rescue remedy regularly for a few days to see if it helps you. Few squirts in a bottle of water and sip all day


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-05-05, 15:04
Hi Sue, don't put yourself down mate you done real good, you made me feel 'dizzy' reading all of that. Anxiety does wear you out, take time to recover and relax, if that's poss. Get you're hair done it'll make you feel better, although i know what you mean about someone coming round, i'm the same, silly though it seems, it's just another symptom of anxiety, take care.

05-05-05, 18:09
Hiya Sue

Sounds like a lot of little things building up and then coming to a head.

You did well to go out so don't forget that.

I guess you could be having your hair coloured at the moment so I hope that is going well.

Are you feeling any better about it all now?


06-05-05, 18:07
Thanks for replying everyone, i am blonde again!!!!

Had a massive migraine when i woke up yesterday - probably due to squinting at the laptop the night before in the dark.

Stayed in bed ALL day taking anadins and wondering whether to cancel hair appt but as soon as she arrived and started chatting i felt absolutley fine, i think she even massaged my headache away haha.

Feel a bit stupid about writing that post now, well no actually i dont because i knew it would help - i can see i was just shattered and thinking too deeply about things.

Have been to work today for the first time this week and feel a bit of a failure knowing its the weekend already and i havent done my bit.

(You're probably thinking "how things change in a couple of days" - i am)

So at the moment, am feeling good!

Hope you don't see another post from me very soon - am supposed to be going out tomorrow night (well i havent agreed, but the subject will come up soon ((the other half's work do)) - if you do, refer me back to this post)

Thanks again everyone, it means a lot!

PS: I am convinced re the rescue remedy X

06-05-05, 20:35
Glad to hear you're feeling better Sue!! :D

06-05-05, 23:59
Hi Sue

Pleased you are feeling a bit better.

One day at a time and see how it goes and on those bad days dont judge your life as good days do come round and as you know they are the ones we need to keep reminding ourselves off.

You have done well and need to remind yourself of that.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

07-05-05, 18:57
Me again,
I dont think his texts were anything to worry about, but im not sure - can both male and female reply please?

07-05-05, 19:56

I'm not sure what to say as I didn't see the texts myself and don't know him at all. I think that only you could know this..

08-05-05, 00:34

You know him and saw the texts and can only judge by the facts that you have in front of you. We can all have our opinions but it would be unfair to lay that on you as we dont know the full story and it wouldnt be fair to influence you in anyway regarding this. All we can do in my eyes is support you and help you with whatever you decide.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-05-05, 03:43
Thanks both,
OK nothing to worry about - he was home by 9.30.
My head was running away with me again.
Guilt of not going myself i guess.
Thanks for replying.

08-05-05, 03:45
Hi Sue

Pleased it was okay and you are.

Here if you need me okay mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

08-05-05, 03:54
Thanks Sal, appreciate that.

08-05-05, 22:49
Hi Sue

Hope you are doing okay. Here if you want to talk and try not to dwell on it too much as we all know us woman can imagine the worst given the opportunity without taking into account the facts.

You take care of yourself and let us know how you are getting on.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.