View Full Version : Ladies please, I still feel so worried

04-08-08, 09:50
Hi, I hope you wont get fed up with me going on about my anxiety, this is the second post I have put concerning this but I am getting myself into such a state I just wanted someone to talk to.
It might be easier to look at my previous thread last month, but anyway, I am 51 and have started getting irregular bleeding, hardly anything but always bright pink. My periods are not particularly heavy and come about every 21/28 days lasting about 6 days. For the past 3 weeks though (and this started 2 days after my period) I have been getting a very slight show when I wipe that is pink (never seems to go brown). Doesn't happen every time I go to the loo but does happen every day. There has been another development since my last thread in that I discovered I had actually left a tampon inside for about 3 weeks, it was only that I was on antibiotics for something else that it stopped me getting an infection. The nurse removed this last Thursday and I thought maybe this was the cause of spotting (although puzzled as to how pink show was still getting through with a tampon in the way) nurse checked my cervix and said it looked ok. Spotting seemed to stop after this but then this morning I have a pink show again, I am getting so scared that I have something terrible wrong with me, my next period is due now and I am praying this latest spotting is actually going to turn out to be that. I have a pelvic scan booked for 2 weeks time but it seems like ages I have to wait that I can hardly stand the anxiety. My GP is convinced I am perimenopausal but when I look at other women's symptoms they don't really seem the same as mine in that they either miss periods then get spotting or have really heavy periods and spot in between. I would be so grateful for some more feedback and I am sorry for pestering you all again about this but feel a bit desperate at the moment.

04-08-08, 10:38
Hi there - I don't think that there are any hard and fast rules about being perimenopausal - and from what I've read on your post - it does sound like you are. It can range from intermittant bleeding in between menstruation - to no periods at all - or to what you are experiencing. It is quite possible that you have a mild infection due to the tampon - or that you are indeed perimenopausal. Or both. I think if you had anything very serious, you would be in quite a lot of pain and your bleeding would be severe.

When was your last smear? If it makes you feel any better - I have had quite a few problems over the last few months with my cervix - I had a dodgy smear test and had some surgery to sort out the problem.... but I had different symptoms to you... I also had these pink shows quite recently and fortunately I have a good gynae who I spoke to - she tells me that hormonal fluctuations can cause this - and if you are perimenopausal then that would explain the fluctuations and the pink show you are experiencing. Out of interest, do you have any other symptoms? ARe you in pain, hot flushes etc or anything like that?

Anyway, depending on how recent your last smear was and what the results were - I would ask for another one just to be sure.... if your doctor can't do it, then go to a clinic that specialises in women's health - there are quite a few around, all over the country - Marie Stopes or something similar. They will give you a thorough check and perform a smear...

But I suspect that your GP is right (and if she thought anything more sinister was going on she would have referred you to a gynaecologist asap). Try not to worry, hormones cause all sorts of different problems and each woman is different, so googling someone elses symptoms is not always the solution. As I said, everyone is different.

04-08-08, 10:51
Hi Bex, thank you for replying to my thread, it helps me so much you wouldn't beleive. In answer to your questions, I had a smear done about 18 months ago which was normal. I have also been getting an ache in the right side of my pelvis, I had this before about a year ago and had a scan which was normal. Also I suffered very similar problems with irregular bleeding about 6 years ago and was referred to a Gyno who took biopsies of cervix and womb lining, both were OK, he also did a D&C. He then fitted my with a Mirena coil which I had removed 2 years ago as I didn't really like having something alien inside of me and although it helped with the irregular bleeding it didn't stop periods completely. Although these present sypmtoms are so similar to what Ive had in the past I still worry so much that 'this time' it is going to be something horrible! I do suffer terribly from health anxiety and always inmagine the worsed.
Mary x

milly jones
04-08-08, 11:53
hunny ur gp would have referred u, ot the nurse sent u to the gp if there eas anything more sinister

please try not to worry


milly xxx

04-08-08, 12:12
I'm sure you are fine - and as Milly said, if the GP was truly concerned you would have been referred immediately.... HA is horrid and makes us all think that 'this time' there really will be something serious... BUT, all said, I really think that the tampon will have had some effect and that your hormones are playing up... I bet you, when you have the scan, and all is fine, that the funny ache on the right side will go.... it's bound to be psychosomatic due to your fears - every time I think something is wrong, I'll read up the symptoms, and hey presto - I have all the pains... then get told all is fine and they go.... Also, we're women and get weird aches in the most extraordinary places!! Let us know how the scan goes - and like I said, if you're still upset, go to a Women's Health Clinic... they charge a small amount but you'll get your info quicker... Good Luck.

04-08-08, 18:13
Thank you Bex and Milly, just to update you it seems spotting I had this morning has turned out to be my period as it's much more now and I was due on. I will let you know how my scan goes in a couple of weeks. You have been so kind and caring.Take care. x

05-08-08, 07:22
Hi, I hope you wont get fed up with me going on about my anxiety, this is the second post I have put concerning this but I am getting myself into such a state I just wanted someone to talk to.
It might be easier to look at my previous thread last month, but anyway, I am 51 and have started getting irregular bleeding, hardly anything but always bright pink. My periods are not particularly heavy and come about every 21/28 days lasting about 6 days. For the past 3 weeks though (and this started 2 days after my period) I have been getting a very slight show when I wipe that is pink (never seems to go brown). Doesn't happen every time I go to the loo but does happen every day. There has been another development since my last thread in that I discovered I had actually left a tampon inside for about 3 weeks, it was only that I was on antibiotics for something else that it stopped me getting an infection. The nurse removed this last Thursday and I thought maybe this was the cause of spotting (although puzzled as to how pink show was still getting through with a tampon in the way) nurse checked my cervix and said it looked ok. Spotting seemed to stop after this but then this morning I have a pink show again, I am getting so scared that I have something terrible wrong with me, my next period is due now and I am praying this latest spotting is actually going to turn out to be that. I have a pelvic scan booked for 2 weeks time but it seems like ages I have to wait that I can hardly stand the anxiety. My GP is convinced I am perimenopausal but when I look at other women's symptoms they don't really seem the same as mine in that they either miss periods then get spotting or have really heavy periods and spot in between. I would be so grateful for some more feedback and I am sorry for pestering you all again about this but feel a bit desperate at the moment.

I have mentioned this site before


It is excellent it has been running for 15 years and it is about perimenopause and the menopause.

Everything you ever wanted to know about it is mentioned they also have a fantastic forum.

It was a real eye opener for me reading up some of the things that could happen. I found out that my jelly legs and the internal tremors I was getting when I woke up first thing was another symptom.

Please go on this site it is very beneficial.:D