View Full Version : Adrenalin and Phobias

Veronica H
04-08-08, 13:49
Hi All
In my quest for knowledge while I wait for my CBT I have been reading 'Panic Attacks' by Christine Ingram/Thorsons ISBN 978-0-00-710690-5. This is a very useful guide with coping strategies, written by a fellow sufferer(now panic free). It has a quick summary at the end of each section, so you can flick back through it when you need a reminder. I don't know if NMP are thinking of stocking this, but please check first as I know the site needs the funds. One of the most useful bits of information I picked up was that because the body produces adrenalin to protect us e.g 'oh look a sabre tooth tiger, get ready to run', those with panic/anxiety are producing too much adrenalin and the body automatically starts looking for the sabre tooth tiger or in my case the car/ weekend away and joy of joys this week - my hair dye!I put the hair dye on and the smell reminded me of a bad attack I had in the hairdressers a few weeks ago. I used the wonderful Dr Claire Weekes techniques (mentioned in a previous post) plus Christine Ingrams advice to tell myself this was not the threat. I managed to calm down quite quickly but could not remember how long the dye had been on - I guessed- I was wrong and now have hair like an Elvis impersonator instead of mid brown. Still better than grey roots! Adrenalin also makes our senses very acute hence low tolerence of sudden noises/supermarkets/strip lights etc. This explains why I have hearing that would rival spidermans at present.

Best wishes everyone

04-08-08, 19:57
hi where can ya buy this book from i have all the claire weeks ones

04-08-08, 21:15

What do we do about all this overload of adreneline? Will get the book you mentioned.


04-08-08, 21:23

That book is on the recommended reading list and the NoMorePanic Amazon shop - see this ....


I have a copy too and read it many years ago. Glad it is helping you.

Veronica H
05-08-08, 10:41
Thanks Nicola and all.
Yvonne - What to do about the adrenalin - from what I have read so far we have to accept that the panic attacks cannot hurt us. We have to break the fear/adrenalin/fear cycle(since more panic, anxiety and fear means more adrenalin). As we all know this is easier said than done. I am taking two steps forward and one back at the moment, but the more I know the less scared I am. I think it is very important to make sure that the adrenalin is not allowed to pin itself to a false threat eg Car travel-however uncomfortable I feel I know I must carry on with such tasks and try to relax through them. Our world can get very small very quickly if we start associating where we had an attack as being part of the cause. In an attack we start firing negative thoughts everywhere but we must not let these thoughts trick us into believing them. They are just random firings from an overloaded nervous system. I have also come to terms with the fact that I find it very easy to create negative thoughts generally as I have a well established background level of anxiety which I am now accepting and starting to work on. My Dr said that he had an eighty year old who managed to work on this and made progress very quickly so there is hope for me yet.
Bye for now
Veronica H

05-08-08, 17:26

Thanks for that.

Breaking the fear adreneline fear cycle is the hardest thing to do. I too have a long history with this damned demon illness.

I am a negative thinker and it's very very difficult to stop the negative thoughts. Of course with cbt you are taught to challenge your negative thoughts - however, I think when you are highly sensitised (as I think I am - still!) the negative thought has already created feelings of panic and it's very hard to stop the fear adreneline fear process.

The anxious mind unfortunately seeks out anxious thoughts - a cpn told me this and it is quite true. You can actually notice that your mind is looking for something to scare or worry you. Anyone else noticed this?

Any more tips on breaking the cycle Veronica I would be grateful.
