View Full Version : i feel like crap today!

04-08-08, 14:01
hey, yesterday i got a really bad cold and i feel like crap with it and i have so many symptoms that i am questioning may be more serious than just the cold.

i have face aches?
tooth ache?
jaw ache?
sore mouth?
blood when i blow my nose?

any ideas if all these syptoms are just because of my cold or are they more serious?

Please reply
Love Louise

04-08-08, 14:06
Sounds a bit like involvement of your sinuses. Have you got pressure in your face anywhere?

04-08-08, 14:11
yea it does feel that way.

04-08-08, 14:17
I'd say that is what it is then and no more. Sometimes when the waether is hot or I have sinus pain my nose bleeds a little bit when I blow it. I'd see if it passes in a couple of days before you start to worry yourself about it.

04-08-08, 14:29
you deffinitly think all my symptoms are to do with my cold then? the blood when i blow my nose seems to be a lot better today, it was quite bad last night tho.

04-08-08, 14:39
Yes it sounds so. Like I said, you don't get over a cold in a day unless you are some kind of superhuman so it'll linger for a few more days. If it is mnot better then and you still have the bleeding you should perhaps go and see your Dr for some reasssurance. But I am sure it's just a cold. Have you tried a steam inhilation (head over a bowl of hot water)? I always find that helps a bit.

04-08-08, 14:41
i might give that a go.

milly jones
04-08-08, 15:53
hun sounds like u picked up a viral infection in ur face and nose, just a cold.

u feel rough but ull be ok.

take plenty of fluids and try to rest

take care

milly xxx

04-08-08, 18:22
i'm sure it is all to do with my cold but the thing i am a bit concerned about is the toothache as i know this can be serious but i just wondered if anyone has ever had toothache with a cold before? i am sure i have but its been such a long time since i have had a bad cold like this?
please reply
Love Louise

04-08-08, 19:14
Hey Louise

Sinuses DEFINITELY cause tooth pain.... my father has chronic sinusitis and it really affects his teeth.... you'll probably need antibiotics for that as it requires treatment but it's nothing more sinister I wouldn't think.... All the other symptoms go with Sinusitis too.... bleeding when you blow nose etc. All related and honestly, I just checked with my Dad (and read out your symptoms, hope you don't mind) and he has them all, almost identical... Try Sinutab - you can get them at the Chemist (behind the counter) he swears by them and says they are the only pain relief that works... He really sympathised actually as he is the total opposite to me (i.e NEVER concerned about his health) and says it's 'Hell on Wheels'.... feels like a vice around your head all through your jaw and your nose....

Poor you - hope you get well soon.

04-08-08, 19:28
thanks for the info bex and thank your dad for me. i do seem to have a fair amount of pain on face and jaw as well so i guess that is linked to sinuses?

04-08-08, 20:01
I would say definitely. Get well.

05-08-08, 09:18
After posting to you yesterday I have come down with a cold today! And I had bllod when I blew my nose. Need to take some of my own advice now!

05-08-08, 19:40
i feel a bit better today but still have a blocked nose and a cough, i hope you get better soon precious.