View Full Version : anxious when Driving

04-08-08, 14:34
Hi there

I get very anxious before a journey, I travel 50 mins to work and 50 mins back, and there are strecthes of road that my heart just pounds too and my palms sweat, this morning I killed a squirrel not on purpose the poor thing just didnt move quick enough and its knocked me for six, and im so so nervous about driving home...

Im a huge worrier full stop and get anxious about all things mostly, and in the past have managed to deal with it, but today its gone out of control to the point where i just want to leave my car here and cacth the train home.



milly jones
04-08-08, 15:08
hi hunny

lots of us have difficulties with driving

for me the sat nav game me confidence over longer distances, and being in the rac took care of break downs.

still have worries over parking tho, esp parallel parking hate that lol

i dislike being a passenger, esp if my hb is driving as he has quite an agressive style.

i spend long distances with my eyes closed with him.

try and keep up with the driving, cos if u give in it will be harder to go back to, even if it is just short distances each day.


ps there are 100s of animals squashed unintentionally each day, unfortunate, but it happens hunny. dont be too hard on urself xx

04-08-08, 16:00
Hello I have problems with driving too and will only drive on certain roads not motorways and only some A roads. When my driving phobia was really bad I had some extra driving lessons. This really boosted my confidence. I always keep some water in the car and something to eat if you need to stop. Having familiar music playing helps for me that includes radio 3 and 4. For late night driving I find that talk shows and discussion programmes are the best. I hope this is some help to you.

04-08-08, 16:15
Hi there

yes I think i might try listening to classical on the way home... I have to drive on the A38 and I hate it with a passion, everyones mad on there and there is always accidents etc.... i will not touch motorways, and if someone comes behind me too close i get ever so panicky... anyway leaving in ten minutes wish me luck...

milly jones
04-08-08, 16:30
good luck hunny


milly xx

04-08-08, 16:46
I have got a real thing about driving just now - i used to love it but now the minute i get behind the wheel i get "dizzy" and panic - i try and avoid at all costs which is opposite as i used to want to always be the driver

04-08-08, 18:31
hi bab

I get dizzy too, I have to be honest i also used to enjoy driving up until just recently and all of a sudden its like being a learner again... im nervous about going to work 2mrw now :(

its amazing how one thing can knock your confidence...


04-08-08, 19:59
your right it is like being a learner again - i definately wouldnt pass my test this time though lol!

seriously the min i get behind the wheel a cloud of fog comes over me and the anxiety makes me feel like im not functioning and shouldnt be driving and that worries me although I know the only way to beat it is to confront it and keep driving.

Make a fab cd - and sing along really loud to it while your driving take your mind off it

Venus Calling
04-08-08, 22:24
I had a PA whilst I was driving on Saturday for the first time brought on by my 'old enough to know better' kids (we're talking over 20's here!) arguing in the back. I only ever drive on roads I've been on before and won't use the motorway. I am usually perfectly happy to sit in traffic as it is moving so slowly I don't have to worry about the speed people go (I worry about others driving not my own!) However, because this panic started in the car and I wanted to get home as soon as possible I ended up driving down a road I hadn't been on and because I had to concentrate I forgot all about the PA which stunned me to say the least.

I always play music in the car and sing - it definitely helps. Not taking squabbling kids out probably does too! :D

06-08-08, 08:23

I tried the music your right it definately does help, its not a nice feeling and jupiter im exactly like you will only drive on roads i know and motorways, I have an fear of driving to close to the kurb too :(... Didnt go into work yesterday as i had a huge panic attack before hand and partner said to try and sort myself out at home, i just have these palpitations still at the moment but i got in the car this morning turned heart on and drove up the a38 to work, and low and behold a great big lorry up my rear, i just looked staright on and sang:) i do worry as driving is such a big responsibility and i get married in 4 weeks so im worried im going to do something silly.... I think for me its the high speeds i dont like on the dual carriageway, if i go any slower than 60 then i get the flashy light people.... I get so jeolous of the people who whizz past me as they seem to have so much confidence, my partner has a sports car and i hold on to the seats when im in that car... :(
do any of you guys take an y herbal remidies to help with your anxiety...