View Full Version : New and in a fit

04-08-08, 17:29
My name is Ben and come from Fargo ND, USA. I have alot of anxiety about cancer and whenever I find something odd, it seems to invade my every thought. I pick, I worry and I cannot take my mind off of it. Currently, I have a lump in my mouth (on my gum) that worries the heck out of my and am sure I will obsess about this until my appointment in 2 weeks to see my dentist. I posted my other symptoms in the symptoms forum if anyone is interested, but it is a pleasure to meet everyone.

04-08-08, 17:32
hiya ben hun and welcome to nmp. you will find lots of great advice and support here and u will meet new friends too. hugs and please dont worry xxx

04-08-08, 20:33
Hi ben and welcome to NMP,
Don't worry about having a Cancer anx. I'm sure we all worry about it to some extent, just remember that most Cancers can now be cured or kept under control if caught early enough.

04-08-08, 20:55
Hi Ben

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
04-08-08, 22:26
and its a pleasure to meet u too ben

welcome to nmp

mily xx

04-08-08, 22:38
Hi Ben

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

04-08-08, 23:03
Hi Ben,

I totally relate to your cancer anx. I too on hearing about cancers be it someone I know/knew or a character in a film, start checking for lumps and misinterpreting symptoms. This is "normal" anxiety behaviour.


04-08-08, 23:25
Hi and welcome along to NMP

You will know if you have surfed the site their are lots of members who can relate. Good to have you on board!

Pooh x

04-08-08, 23:45

05-08-08, 03:16
Thank you for the warm welcome.

05-08-08, 14:33
Hello Ben And Welcome To The Site, Many Suffer With Health Anxiety Im Sure You Will Get Support, I Wish Ya Well , Linda