View Full Version : mini pill

04-08-08, 17:54
hi everyone,

dr has put me on the mini pill to try and control my hormones etc, a couple of days after starting this mini pill i have got a constant headache, just wondered if anyone else has had problems with the mini pill?? any advice very welcome
thank you


04-08-08, 18:04
hiya matey just wanted to say hi and im here for you huge hugs xxxxx ps headaches are unfortunately a common side affect for few weeks xxx

04-08-08, 19:13
When i first went on mine it was a real pain, first i came on for about 8 weeks, plus a few other side effects, but i stuck with it and its been great ever since, i rarely have a period and when i do its only for a day....... i'd say give it a bit more time.

di xx

05-08-08, 09:20
Hi again jennie, hope you're well. Yeah I had a headache when I started on it, but it went away after a while so try and stick with it if you can.

05-08-08, 20:26
I went on the mini pill a few years ago and i was terrible can't remeber if i had headaches from it as i get them generally but overall i think i had a perios evey week for about 12 weeks, and i felt very depressed and tired on it in the end i changed to ovranette and now i'm on dianette and these have both worked for me

05-08-08, 20:37
hi everyone

thank you so much for the replies.

i went back to thr drs yesterday to tell him i was getting headaches,he told me it couldnt possibly be the mini pill that was giving me the headaches, until he looked in his little book and he said that they could possibly be giving me headaches!!
he gave me a prescription for vitamin b6 and told me to try that!!he said it will control pms but not ovulation pain and the odd bit of pinching pain i get in my right side,i going to go back and see one of the other drs ecause i really need this ovulation pain sorting out as i get it dreadful

i told him i never get headaches and the only thing that has changed is me taking the mini pill so it must be the pill, i feel absolutely dreadful today headaches and just absolutely shattered.

anyone got any tips for ovulation pain,pms?

ive heard evening primrose and starflower oil??


05-08-08, 20:44
hi mate god docs are so useless, it is the pill hun, i got alsorts of probs when i was on the pill, sick, hungry all the time, agitated etc and had to come off it in the end. i have had ovulation pain for few days actually mate i just take neurofen extra capsules and it takes it away, hugs matey im always here for u xx

06-08-08, 09:46
Yeah the reason I don't trust Drs is exactly what you just described. They didn't think the ehadaches were to do with the pill until they read a book? what? I could have done that myself. Useless.

I diteched the pill as my anxiety was sky high. I still feel anxious but in a different way. It's difficult to explain really. I also got headaches on the mini pill and kept getting told it was tension and I knew full well it was the pill.

They don't like to think the pill cna give you any side affects. But you're messing with your hormones for goodness sake, it has to have some effect whether it be good or bad.