View Full Version : Do you have a "Safe Place"?

04-08-08, 18:52
Ive heard most people have this or a "safe person". I for one definitely do. My house/bed and my mother are my safety places/person. :)

04-08-08, 19:10
Yes mabelina,

My mum is also my safe person, the hardest part though for me was back in december i know longer felt that she could play that role, my world fell apart, luckily though she became my safe person again and now i don't feel the need to rely on her so much.

best wishes

di xx

Granny Primark
04-08-08, 19:39
Ive got safety people.
My best friend gill is the one who understands me most in all the world.
After that its my dear friend samkirman and then me hubby and daughter.
I used to have my son who understood me but thats now changed.
My house, my daughters house and my friends house are completely safe to me.

Anna C
04-08-08, 21:22
Hi Mabelina,

My safety places are my house, my sisters house and most of the time work.
My safety people are my sister and a friend in work.
I also have quite a few safety behaviours.

Anna x

milly jones
04-08-08, 22:23
my safe place is my bed.

i feel at peace by a lake in bala too.

i have a friend who is safe for me to discuss anything with.

i also consider my gp safe too

mill xx

Cathy V
04-08-08, 23:36
My safe people are my kids, especially my son andy who im staying with at the moment coz hes the eldest at 35 and knows all about my demons, so i know i can rely on him to help me through a panic if necessary. The other safe people are the nmpers who know exactly how i feel, so if im ever with one of you i know i wouldnt make a fool of myself.

Safe places, hmm....i guess mine have all been taken away by my move to germany and i dont really have any there, but here in uk i would have to say any of my childrens houses...except they live so far apart that the travelling between them definately take me through some really 'unsafe' places :scared15:

Cathy xxx :D

04-08-08, 23:40
My husband is defintely my safe person. My safe place is home. Nowhere in my home in particular as long as I am home!

05-08-08, 03:15
Hi Mabelina!

Home is definitely my safe place. Most especially my bed in front of my laptop.

My boyfriend is my safe person, and I have several other friends who are safe as well... they still love me even if I do make a fool of myself and scare them senseless sometimes!

And this forum is my in-crisis safe place. I wish I had found this place years ago =)


05-08-08, 07:06
My bed definitely where I can just curl up under the duvet in quiet!!!

05-08-08, 09:07
My home...
My mother...
..and if i am out, getting to the car.

05-08-08, 21:38
My safe place is home, my sister's house and my mum's house. I feel at my safest in bed under the duvet.

23-08-08, 23:17
My house and my bed is my safe place.

24-08-08, 02:03
I have three actually. And they all are in my house.
My first is in my room, because that's where I spend alot of time.
The second is the computer room, because that's where I spend alot of time when I'm not in my room.
The third is in my basement, where I spend my time when I'm not in the computer room or in my room. xD
Elsewise, I'm with friends or at college <3

24-08-08, 02:13
my bed is my safe place

25-08-08, 05:57
My home or my bedroom in particular is my "safe place" and my mum is my "safe person" although lately i've come to realise that if I go out with my mum my anxiety seems to be worse! I think i've come to associate my mum with panic attacks/agoraphobia. Which isn't good as I have nobody else to go out with

Eva May
25-08-08, 11:46
My house is a safe place when there is no one else there and no outside distractions like noise. My mum and my boyfriend are my safe people but if I'm having an attack I just want them to be immediately available but not actually with me. Work feels safe too as it is part of my routine.