View Full Version : buzzing sensation

04-08-08, 18:54
Hi all....this may seem a bit weird but does anyone else experience a slight buzzing sensation....as if its coming from your nerve endings....like the feeling that you are standing near a washing machine on the spin cycle but you're not? I dont think its visible outwardly and I dont seem to have any visible tremors, the sensation is more within me (is this making any sense at all?).

I first noticed this a few years ago when my anxiety was really bad...I woke up one morning and actually asked my hubby if he could feel it (he said no...I felt daft and havent mentioned it since)....but Im still noticing it and its beginning to freak me out....Ive checked my BP and its ok....it never happens when Im active only when Im sitting fairly still...is this normal do you think?

Please can someone else tell me theyve felt this and Im not completely losing my mind lol!

luv Coni XX

04-08-08, 19:38
Hello Coni,
I had this for quite a long tim when I was going through the mnopause. i was out of my mind with worry. I don't know how old you are but I was reassured time and time again by doctors that there was no neurological disorder.I had EXACTLY that feeling of internal shaking, like standing against an appliance, and especially when I woke up in the morning.There is an excellent website called www.power-surge.com and you will see lots and lots of people have the same symptom. Hope that helps you a little. God Bless.X

04-08-08, 20:25
Thanks Maggiemay...I will have a look but I hope its not that...I'm only 40 lol and was hoping for another few years grace yet lol!

Ive now done a very stupid thing and googled...and found myself on an MS support page where everyone was posting about buzzing sensations....now I feel very sick at the thought of what it might be.....so googled some more looking for reassurance and didnt find any....I could kick myself for being so stupid!!

Thanks again maggiemay

Coni XX

milly jones
04-08-08, 22:43
aww coni hunny hugs

i get buzzing but only in my head, tinitus

take care hun

milly xx

05-08-08, 07:36
Thank you Milly

Coni XX

Venus Calling
05-08-08, 10:40
Perimenopause is the ten to fifteen years before menopause occurs so it is very possible this is the beginning for you. I am 45 and various symptoms I've had over the last five years have all accumulated now causing me anxiety to boot! It might be worth asking your doctor for a blood test to check your hormones - that's what I'm doing.

05-08-08, 14:08

Believe it or not I had this symptom years ago when not suffering from anxiety off I went to see a consultant, had an ear test everything fine, had blood test again ok I was more puzzled than worried, eventually on my third visit to the consultant he saw my work badge and asked me to go for a brain scan, I went off one Sunday morning (worried sick because they called me at home on Friday and asked me to go in Sunday am)
blimey I wasn't worried but I sure was that Saturday night, if scan was uncomfortable more than anything and I had trouble keeping still apparently even if you sneeze cought or anything it messes up the scan. Anyway I had the results in a week again terrified I went to see consultant he just said everything clear discharged me and said don't worry about it. I haven't had it for years but sometimes if I am lying in bed or things are excessively quiet I get the buzzing a bit like when you have left the computer on or you can hear a fridge of a night.

05-08-08, 18:39
I get this from time to time, usually in one spot in an on/off pattern for a few days at a time. I've read that muscle twitches can sometimes happen in very fast, small motions, and these vibrations may just be muscle twitches...that sure would make sense given that they happen more when you're anxious.

07-08-08, 21:33
Thanks guys....I was at my GP for something else the other day and he checked my BP which was high I'm now wondering if it was that....though I think it was a one off raised BP so maybe not.....I didnt mention it to my GP in case he thought I was even more mad than usual!

Im still hoping its not hormonal as I dont have any other symptoms and everything seems pretty much as its always been in that respect.

Maybe I just have to try and ignore it....though easier said than done.

Thanks again for your replies

Coni XXX

milly jones
07-08-08, 21:38
u think my buzzing might not be my ears?

08-08-08, 21:46
I think its probably is Milly....but the buzzing sensation I get is all over...sorry hun didnt mean to alarm you, I think tinnitus does cause buzzing/ringing in the ears

sorry again Milly

Coni XXX

08-08-08, 22:27
hi coni

do you mean like internal tremors?

just wondering

Julie :)

09-08-08, 08:38
yes julie....I suppose it is like that....its like standing next to the washing machine on spin except inside not outside.....its not visible on the outside at all and its all over, not just one part of my body.....its as if my nerve endings are 'buzzing' lol....thats the most accurate way I can think to describe it.

love Coni XX

09-08-08, 09:18
I get buzzing sensations everywhere but mostly in my head, not sure if its normal!

09-08-08, 09:45

i get these quite often in different parts of my body. it mentions these under the symptoms section. apparently quite commom. i can be caused by an over stimulated nervous system and tiredness

julie :)

16-08-08, 04:05
I get these quite often, Coni, and I know EXACTLY what it is you're trying to describe. It certainly does seem as if each nerve ending in the body is being stimulated. I'm surprised that more people here do not experience it. In fact, I have categories for them:

Bizzing -- the slightest amount of buzz. I would have to describe this as a very quiet kind of buzz.

Buzzing -- This sensation is the next level after bizzing. It's a bit stronger, and a true "buzzing" sensation in the nerve endings. EVERY nerve ending. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

Jittery -- This is one level up from Buzzing. It is a feeling of shaking (or trembling) inside, or perhaps a feeling of "tossing and turning" inside -- but is not seen or felt from the outside by either oneself or another. It is only felt inside.

Shakey -- Again, one level up from Jittery, and this can be seen by others -- such as a hand shaking when bringing soup to your mouth with a spoon. This is the top level for me, and I usually go through a phase of bizzing, buzzing, and jittery before reaching shakey.

To be honest, I don't worry too much about it. Meditation can also help with it, and I meditate for 15 minutes twice a day (have been without fail for months now). Also, A 1/4 of .25mg xanax will help calm the bizzing & buzzing levels. It takes at least a 1/2 of .25mg xanax to help calm the Jitters and Shakes. So it's obviously something with the central nervous system. And, hey, guess what we have difficulties with? Our central nervous systems.

But I do know what you're talking about. In fact, I'm like Captain Buzz on some days -- but I don't think people understand what I'm trying to tell them when I describe it to them. My doctor seems to know what I'm talking about when I describe it to him, but he doesn't seem concerned about it either. So, neither am I.

You shouldn't be either. It's more bothersome than anything else.

16-08-08, 09:23
Thank you for that Frank....yes you have descrbed it to a tee....it is very annoying and sometimes a bit alarming....when it was at its worst I couldnt believe my husband couldnt feel what I was feeling as I thought the 'vibrations' were coming from the house somewhere...I think he thought I was mad lol!

Thanks Mishel and Jewel...I cant believe I never read about these in symptoms...Ive only been here two years ....lol!!!!

love Coni XX