View Full Version : Gettin' Hitched

04-08-08, 20:28
Hi all

Thought you might like to see the cake topper that I'm having for my wedding in 3 weeks time!

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present.....Morticia and Gomez Addams!

Jo xxxxx

The Fool
04-08-08, 21:38
your getting married!!! omg i had no idea!! congratulations!!! and i love the cake topper lol i may have to suggest it to my sister and her boyfriend lol

04-08-08, 21:41
Very cool Jo, a lucky man he is ;)

04-08-08, 21:56
Thanks guys, I will have to post some pics once the big day has come and gone lol

Jo xxxxx

04-08-08, 22:05
Hi Jo

I didn't know you were getting married congratulations how exciting I love a wedding.

I really like the cake topper did you make it?


04-08-08, 22:12
thats fab and congratulations - please put wedding pics up

milly jones
04-08-08, 22:15
congratulations to you both

lovely to have a happy moment to share

good luck


milly xxxxx

04-08-08, 22:27
Thanks guys. No Carol I didnt make it - wouldnt know how!! We got someone to do it. She'd never done a Morticia and Gomez Addams one and was so excited about making it lol.

Jo xxxxx

04-08-08, 22:48
CONRATULATIONS:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

04-08-08, 23:41
Congratulations on your impending nuptials Lilith. You having a goth themed wedding? How cool would that be and if it can I come? LOL

I love that cake topper its fabbytastic.

Have a great day

Pooh xx

05-08-08, 02:41
congratulations :yesyes:
and that cake topper is amazing lol :)

05-08-08, 07:01
Thanks guys :-)

No Pooh, its not really a Goth wedding, we just have little bits here and there that we put it that we thought we "us".

We're walking out of the ceremony room to the Rocky Theme tune ha ha!

Jo xxxxx

05-08-08, 09:20
CONGRATULATIONS HAVE A GREAT DAY love the cake topper:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

Hope 2
05-08-08, 15:39
Hey Jo

Wow I can't believe the Big Day is nearly here :ohmy: it seems to have come around real quick. Hey and all the major progress you have made hunny lately :hugs: .
Brilliant, double celebration of sorts eh.

LOVE the cake thingy how coooooool ru eh....good taste too!!

Speak soon
Hope xx

09-08-08, 01:09
Hi Jo,

Congratulations and I also love the cake topper. Walking out to the tune of Rocky is fab and another great idea. Can't wait to see the photos.

Love and hugs,
