View Full Version : Coming off Lustral

04-08-08, 22:58

Been on Lustral for 5 years take 100mg per day. Am thinking about coming off but think maybe the tablets have given me a false sence of security and the full blown panics will start again along with the GAD.

Has anyone else 'packed them in'. Also found I've gained a lot of weight (for me anyway) Is it just because I'm relaxed and happy that I can enjoy food and not constantly worrying?

Love to hear others experience on Sertraline

05-08-08, 14:35
Hello Worried And Welcome To The Site , Ive Never Heard Of Those Meds But Im Sure Many Have, I Wish Ya Well, Linda

30-08-08, 23:41
Hi A

I am in the same boat as you mate, been on Lustral for 5 years too. Was on 150mg and came down 50mg in two stages last year.
I have recently decided to try and come off as I want a baby and i had a couple of weeks cutting down to only 50mg every other day and am on day 5 of only 50mg every day.

Feel a bit anxious but i recognise tha its just the pills. Its not fantastic but i am finding that i can deal with it.

The best advice is speak to your doc although I havent but saying that i am coping fine so far and my doctor has never suggested coming off!!! If you want to do it honey bloomin do it, slowly, if you cant cope go back on.


31-08-08, 17:08
Hi A

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help to you.

01-09-08, 02:48
Hi and welcome along to NMp

Pooh x

01-09-08, 19:11
Hi A,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get support. Sorry I've never been on that med but I'm sure others have and will give their advice. Glad you found us.

Take care,


milly jones
01-09-08, 21:17
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: