View Full Version : Advice... please!

05-05-05, 01:22

I haven't been on this forum for a while, since my exams finished; I've felt a lot better and have felt like I'm finally beginning to deal with, and recognise my anxiety problems for what they are.

However, I'm back at uni again now, and things are playing up. I'm having less panic attacks, but I'm SO wired, and SO anxious all the time. I'm starting to worry about everything again. I haven't slept for a full night in sooo long. I literally have too much energy to sleep before the early hours of the morning. I'm not eating. I have, maybe, a sandwich a day, or a few crackers. I've been here 2 weeks, and I think finally, the stress and the cr*p I'm putting my body through will finally catch up on me and I'll go pop! My saving grace is popping home at weekends, but my mother wants me to enjoy life here more, and won't let me come home so often.

I can't seem to stop my self-destructive behaviour, even though I know it's bad for me. I'm starting to lose weight (again...), have bags under my eyes and my skin looks dead. My course is really difficult and stressful. All in all, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed.

I feel that going home at weekends will help me to cope better, but I think my mum is right in that I'll never learn to settle and work through my problems if I don't fight it out. I don't know what to do. Save myself in the short term, or try harder for longer, hoping I don't crack up in the meantime?

05-05-05, 10:58
Hi raindrop,

sorry you feel like your slipping again, thing is u must try and eat regularly just something little every few hours to keep your blood sugar level level. i always find when i feel anxious that some exersize helps have you get an exersize bike, i go on mine every night it does help burn off all that extra adrenaline. i always sleep better if i have been on mine. and relaxation tapes are great at helping you unwind, keep telling your self how well you have done to get this far, and you are doing well all positive thinking helps, you should be proud of all you have achieved i wish i'd had the bottle to go to uni, you have a good future ahead of you try not to let anxiety spoil it for you, stick in and try and push those neg thoughts away

good luck all the best

kairen x

05-05-05, 14:10
Hi raindrop,
sorry you are having a rough time right now, firstly, if you could possibly try to eat more than a sandwich each day, maybe soups, cereals with milk, pasta (anything easy to prepare and cheap) then, as suggested, a little exercise will definately help Then, try to relax a little before you actually go to bed, by that i mean by reading (not uni stuff), bath, music etc. Now, i personally think that by going home at week-ends it would be very beneficial to you, good home cooked meals, family etc. it's so much easier to eat when meals are prepared for you.Once you are on your feet again, and you will be, then you will enjoy uni-life, i remember the stories my daughter used to tell me about uni, wow, used to make me jealous, take things easy and keep in touch. xx

05-05-05, 14:22
hi Raindrop,

Like the others have said, eating a sandwich a day is not enough and it is no wonder that your body is feeling run down. try to eat little snacks throughout the day and make sure you get enough sleep. If you don't do these things, your anxiety will simply increase..

Sarah :D

05-05-05, 15:10
Definately amend your lifestyle : nutritionally and exercise are not the be all and end all but they do play a large role..

Relaxation classes and CD's do too.

Keep busy and have plans to keep you occupied.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

05-05-05, 20:01
Thanks everyone. This site is really so great!

Now I'm at home, I've two hot meals today already! Am planning an evening walk, and then a hot bath before getting an early night. Hopefully I can get myself back on track this weekend.

I know you're right in that I'll feel better if I look after myself. It's just hard, half the time I don't realise what I'm doing. Thank you again. xx

05-05-05, 20:05
Good for you... From little acorns ..be patient and positive

05-05-05, 20:06
Sweet dreams raindrop, you sound so much brighter xxx