View Full Version : why now?

05-08-08, 09:13
:emot-crying: i have for the last week been having a really rough time i have been taking over my own breathing and getting really paranoid that i am going to stop breathing last week i had a check up and doctor changed meds from citalopram to seroxat and i took them for two nights and never again they made me feel really bad hot flushes light headed on another planet i am so cheesed of as i was doing so well i use to be alright in the summer and bad in the winter but not tis year could b e because not had much of a summer but doctor can def take seroxat and put it somewhere unpleasant its not for me but now i cant stop it i continually panic and feel like i cant breath if i dont do it if this makes sense and i just want to sleep all the time i am trying to pull myself up but the more i try the worse it gets but i am determind that it s not going to take over need to be better by the weekend as kids have organised a surprise for my birthday PLEASE ANYONE CAN U ADVISE

05-08-08, 09:46
aww hiya hun, im sorry u been feeling so bad, has something triggered this off with you? i cant help much with the meds and health but i know u are strong tracey you have shown me that through your posts, sometimes we have these moments and we just have to try to relax and regain our strength etc. try think postive and im sure your birthday will be great esp if the kids are doing a surprize for you. im always here if u wanna chat. hugs xxx

Venus Calling
05-08-08, 10:28
Hi Tracy - I totally understand! I take over my breathing because as you say, if you don't you think you won't breathe! What I do now when it happens is to take deep breaths in and out slowly - do this for anything up to 5 minutes (or more if you feel you have to), it does calm you down and re-sets your breathing - then get busy, do things - singing especially helps. I know it sounds mad but it really does work. You can't stop breathing while you are singing! Obviously that is a bit harder to do if you are out or at work but you can learn to do the deep breathing without it being obvious to anyone else. It does work - trust me.

05-08-08, 14:07
update:-spoke to my doctor today and he said i had an allergic reaction to seroxat and he is going to put me back on citalopram thank goodness so hopefully will be back to normal in a few days he has upped my dose so that should help thank u everyone for there support

05-08-08, 14:13
aww i am pleased its getting sorted mate. hugs xx