View Full Version : Saw GP today

05-08-08, 12:29
Went to my GP today told him he might aswell just recycle me and be done with it:winks:

I have a nasty cough, been coughing up yellow last 2 mornings and i was worried i had bronchitis again so he checked me and said my chest was clear (listened to my back??) so said must be viral, he said even if I had bronchitis he wouldn't give anti bs as there is a very very low risk of pneumonia from it so I take it that bronchitis is not as severe as a chest infection?? am I right?

I have pulled muscles all in my back from buying a 3 door car, stupid idea but hey it looks smart:D no pain no gain and all that:winks:

He said the palpatations are just stress, thyroid is fine so no need to worry, didn't mention ECG at all, im not getting them as often now so im kind of getting used to them.

I mentioned I fainted 6 weeks ago in work, really blacked out on standing (he is a new GP so thought id explain it all) so he did my BP and he said its dropped abit more its now 90/60, is that very low? he said we should keep an eye on it but its nothing to worry about. He is more concerned that I am a stone underweight, could that cause low BP?

I was honest and told him my anxiety has peaked again but im not feeling depressed yet my apetite isn't what it was, he was very good and said I need to over indulge.

Any tips on how to gain weight?? what kind of foods should I be scoffing?lol! I have a very fast motabalism so I don't gain weight easily, all of my family are stick thin, lol!

One last thing he mentioned was possible asthma, I had this said to me last year just after I had bronchitis so I saw the asthma nurse, she did my peak flow for a week and she said I was border line but she also said it can take a while for the lungs to be less inflamed after bronchitis so it was probably just that. I haven't had any trouble since Nov last year so I assumed she was right. Today he said he is abit OTT about asthma, he has it himself so whenever anyone says bronchitis he thinks they have asthma so he made me do a peak flow which was just under 400, I take it thats good then?? he didn't say much other than we will keep an eye on it??

Sorry to ramble but thanks for reading if you got this far:winks:

05-08-08, 14:34
Complan before you go to bed worked for me.

But make sure you drink after eating because it will fill you up, it will help you gain weight.

x x x

05-08-08, 14:42
Thanks Joyce.

05-08-08, 16:44
Hey Libby,

Hun your BP is kinda low yes, but they is not a factor for weight loss. It is very common (low BP) in thinner/underweight people. I think the aim is to just be more careful when standing etc as it will be more apparent then.

As for gaining weight there are lots of nutritious soups/shakes around which are high in calorific content as well as being highly nutritious. try your local boots chemist or Holland and Barrett.

Hope things get better for you soon.


05-08-08, 17:12
Thanks very much, I shall try get some weight on my bones.

My main worry is that I will not be able to shake this cough off if I am too thin and I will end up with bronchitis or pneumonia but he did say pneumonia is a very rare complication.

05-08-08, 17:17
Thanks very much, I shall try get some weight on my bones.

My main worry is that I will not be able to shake this cough off if I am too thin and I will end up with bronchitis or pneumonia but he did say pneumonia is a very rare complication. I am such a bloody worry guts at the moment:blush: