View Full Version : First post- my health anxiety.

05-08-08, 15:50
Hi there everyone. This is my first post here. I'm from NYC but I've been in Pakistan for a year visiting with my parents, for the first time in many year. This will be a long post- I h ope you all don't mind.

My health anxiety began 2 months ago. It started when I got twitches and twinges in different parts of my body. I used to get them before, but this time i started getting them more and more and all over. When I began to feel the fluttery twitches in my left shoulder and left breast, I began to get worried. One night I was sitting online and I began to get cold hands and feet. I got nervous and began to feel twinges all over, and when I felt it on the left side, I began to feel my heart race. I got a panic attack....I began to think something was seriously wrong with my heart and thats what was causing my twinges all over. My panic got so bad that at 3am at night my parents called my uncle, who's a doctor to my house. My uncle tried to reassure me that nothing was wrong with my heart.

EVerything has gone downhill from there. Following that I was weak and felt tired for about 2 weeks. Finally I had a blood test and it showed some elevated liver enzymes, and that I was anemic (iron defficiency). My uncle then sent me for an ultrasound of the abdominal and pelvic area, as well as tests for Hepatitis B&C, as well as a lipid profile test. Those test came out "excellent". He says all i need to do is eat fruits and veggies and walk. My heart is 110% he says.

But the past two months have been horrible. When i found out that i had elevated liver enzymes, i googled....google is my worst enemy. During these two months, I have thought I had liver cirrohsis(spelling??), liver cancer, leukemia, a brain tumor...and several heart conditions.

Two weeks ago I went to the bathroom and saw some blood in my poo. It was bright red and fresh, it happend about 4 more times and then stopped. I told my uncle and he's given me anti-acids and a fiber pill and the past 5 days, no blood. The blood as u can understand scared me breathless.

The truth is, I feel fine. I AM FINE. I dont feel weak or tired, or sick at all. But after the poop worries (which included me googling and thinking i have colon/bowel/etc cancers) ended, Im now back to worrying about my heart. I have noticed that when i worry about my heart, things begin to happen to my heart. The worst day was when I worried all day, and sat down at night and had 3 straight VERY NOTICABLE flutters. Today I've been horrible with this heart worry....so I have had missed beats, flutters, feeling that it's sinking...and last night when i was laying down and probably worrying about it in the back of my mind, I had some shotting pains in between my breasts....and about 2-3 of those today as well....i get those in other parts of my body too but when it's near my heart, that drives me crazy.

Today i went shopping and i was miserable the entire time, all i thought about was my heart. I walked there, no issues. I am slightly overweight and dont exercise, but if I walk long distances or stand a long time, I never have any heart issues. Thats because my heart IS FINE.

I'm worried sick right now. My throat and eyes are dried up, probably this anxiety...i feel that if i continue worrying about my heart, that it'll eventually give up on me.

I have been reading this forum for 3 weeks now and finally have decided to join. I have never had any EKGs or other heart tests cuz I"VE NEVER NEEDED IT. I probably still dont....my uncle checked my blood pressure and when he checked it (i was extremely nervous when he was doing it and had a racing heart), he said it was "extremely good".

I'm 19 btw., In the past 19 years, maybe every 3 mmonths or so, i might have had a close beat or skipped beat, and thats it. Never cared about it cuz the heart was never an issue of mine.

But now this is all im thinking about---and the thinking is manifesting itself and im having weird flutters, aches, skipped beats, etc....

sometimes i think it's beating too slow, sometimes i think it's beating too fast.

I'm just miserable. I've had this for two months and I already have thought I had colon cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, brain tumor, heart conditions, etc etc...

I n eed this to go away cuz I start college in a few months. I'll be going to Italy for college. My parents have worked so hard to make this real for me and I am a good student, and I dont wanna let them down. I wanna make um proud and this thing pops up.

I'm miserable. Please help and I sincerely apoligize for the long post.

05-08-08, 15:54
Hi yanks and welcome :)

Grab a copy of Claire Weekes hope and help for your nerves. I suffered from pretty severe health anxiety for a few years in the past, and I found that book a massive help in overcoming the thought process behind health anxiety.

Good Luck


05-08-08, 15:58

Welcome to the site yanks.

I agree with Jaco reading Claire Weekes book really helped me out of some really bad times.


05-08-08, 16:05
Thank you guys.

I'll try to find it. I'm in Pakistan, so Idk any good book stores here. I wish I was in NYC I would run to Barnes&Noble and buy it.

This is miserable. It's so strange worrying about my heart. I remember I would walk fast to the subway in the morning, walk in regular old sneakers through snow and ice on NYC sidewalks and never had any heart problems. Go into my highschool, run up to the 3rd floor, and man...it never bothered me except for some breathlessness and tired legs.

I should be happier with my health than ever before. I was 5ft and 160lbs and that was horrible, but I lost weight due to better diet and now I'm 145lbs. But somehow this thing reared it's ugly head. I've never had anxiety before and people used to tell me I'm a strong person. Guess I'm not.

06-08-08, 17:05
Hi Yanks

Also a New Yorker and we both seem to suffer from the same Heart worries.
My best advise is to seek therapy you need someone you can talk with. Your uncle can only reassure you everything is fine but if your like me thats not enough and you still deep down think something is wrong :(

You might want to ask your uncle to have a EKG done thats a really good test to be sure nothing is wrong with your heart after that find a therapist near you that deals with Anxiety.

If you need any help let me know I have been fighting this for over a year now..


06-08-08, 18:00
Hey Doug, what part of NY are u from? :D

We're in Pakistan now and we have no health insurance. The tests that I have had done have been expensive enough- the EKG will be very expensive and honestly, I really don't need it....i sound like such a hypocrite saying that cuz my heart is what i am worried about but it really wouldnt be an issue if i wouldnt worry about it!!!

How did your heart worries begin?? For me...it was a panic attack...and i thought the fast heart rate and sudden low heart rate during the panic attack was an indication i would die and my heart was malfunctioning when in fact...thats what happens in a panic attack! so since then, ive thought that i have heart issues when i truely dont.

06-08-08, 18:18
Hey Doug, what part of NY are u from? :D

We're in Pakistan now and we have no health insurance. The tests that I have had done have been expensive enough- the EKG will be very expensive and honestly, I really don't need it....i sound like such a hypocrite saying that cuz my heart is what i am worried about but it really wouldnt be an issue if i wouldnt worry about it!!!

How did your heart worries begin?? For me...it was a panic attack...and i thought the fast heart rate and sudden low heart rate during the panic attack was an indication i would die and my heart was malfunctioning when in fact...thats what happens in a panic attack! so since then, ive thought that i have heart issues when i truely dont.

Hi Yanks

I work in NYC and Live in the Burbs..

Guess it started with panic for me, Started having left arm pain one afternoon so I started to panic and called 911

I was in the hospital for 2 days and they found nothing wrong with me.
Even after i was told i was fine i still felt like something was wrong
Heart palps and flutters scare the heck out of me and I can always feel
when my heart dips below 60 BPM. I became hyper sensitive about my heart rate and sensations so any hiccup sets me off into a whirlwind of Anxiety.

I have a stress test scheduled for the 20th so I'm hoping that will put my mind at ease for a bit, I know it wont last long but it calms me for a month

Step by step day by day all you can do :) Oh and I gave up anything with caffeine so I don't get any unexpected heart palps..

In the last year I have change my life due to this issue, I lost 65lbs started eating right and gave up lots of fatty foods. In some crazy way this was a wake up call to take care of myself better just wish the panic would go away.


06-08-08, 18:28
Wow, you lost 65lbs? Thats amazing! Congrats, you should be so proud. Yeah I often get left arm pain, and sometimes right leg pain and right hand pain. My mom one time had left arm pain, and numbness as well as upper back pain on the left side and she didn't seem alarmed at all, if it was me I would have called 911. I wish I could be like her.

I dont take in much caffeine. I drink a cup of tea with milk sometimes and maybe a small cup of soda sometimes. Thats about it.

I too lost 15lbs in the past year due to better diet...but my anxiety only began 2 months ago.

I'm from the Bronx btw...hence the "Yanksforever", lol.

06-08-08, 18:30
Wow, you lost 65lbs? Thats amazing! Congrats, you should be so proud. Yeah I often get left arm pain, and sometimes right leg pain and right hand pain. My mom one time had left arm pain, and numbness as well as upper back pain on the left side and she didn't seem alarmed at all, if it was me I would have called 911. I wish I could be like her.

I dont take in much caffeine. I drink a cup of tea with milk sometimes and maybe a small cup of soda sometimes. Thats about it.

I too lost 15lbs in the past year due to better diet...but my anxiety only began 2 months ago.

I'm from the Bronx btw...hence the "Yanksforever", lol.

When you get back you can check out the new stadium :)

Yeah total life style change for me, the trip to the hospital scared me silly..
Gave up soda cold turkey and anything with artificial sweeteners. I now take fish oil
daily and drink soy milk rather than regular milk since they are both heart healthy :)

Gratz on the 15lbs thats a great step, I still have about 75lb more to loose, I figure once I'm
healthy i wont worry about my heart anymore so I have a goal and I'm working towards it.
I find that loosing weight has helped with the panic since I'm in better health now, still not great but I'm getting there :)

06-08-08, 19:00
Oh and you can try this work book

they might ship international

06-08-08, 20:01
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here

07-08-08, 14:59
thanks kellie. *hugs*

08-08-08, 06:32
Hi there,

I'm new too and could have written your post myself :) very similar story...I have even had an ecg which was fine. It was at the ER and it showed my heart was going fast...130 bpm... but perfectly normal. Although at the time I wasn't having palpitations which is what scared me in the first place (I think). It was the dr there that told me about panic attacks (the attack that sent me there was the third one). So I think I'm a bit like you. In that I'm aware there is nothing wrong with my heart (well, most of the time I will believe that) but since I started worrying it it does some strange things, some pain, some flutters. I have had some palpitations before in my life but they have never bothered me. When I went to the normal dr after the first attack about a month ago I wasn't entirely sure what the problem was, but had just come back from south east asia so had some blood tests etc as part of it was feeling chills and hot flushes. When it happened the second time I rang the dr the next day and she said well if it happens again, with the heart racing etc, go to the er for an ecg as it may be a heart problem. It what?? I guess that is where my health anxiety has come from... thanks doc. Although since I have understood some more about panic attacks, I haven't had another one, so maybe I'm getting somewhere? Just obsessed with my heart now...taking my pulse etc.

08-08-08, 11:16
Hi Yanks,

Claire Weekes books are very good. Helped me a lot.

Got mine from Amazon.

Another good book is: Its Not All In Your Head: Gordon J.G. Asmundson & Steven Taylor.
This helped me loads with my health anxiety.

Keep Smiling

08-08-08, 12:50
thanks for mentioning this book I have ordered it from Amazon