View Full Version : Very miserable and very frightened

05-08-08, 17:10
Its a long one this but need someone to talk to:emot-crying: . I have damage to all my spinal cord from herniated discs to degenerated discs to arthritis but nothing that is going to paralyse me! I also have a possible ms diagnosis because of results of brain mri but as I won't have lumbar puncture cannot confirm.

For past year I keep getting bad attacks of what seem to be nerve pain - it feels like a dentist is drilling into a tooth nerve without aneathetic! - but it can be in different parts of my body.

6 months ago I had my appendix out and an exploratory op becuase of severe nerve pain in one spot just to right of navel. They were sure it wasn't appendix and they were right but had to be sure so took it out - surgeon did big expl op and could find nothing eles wrong. the nerve pain had actually gone away while I was on my way to operating theatre. It rarely lasts longer than a day at a time but is so bad it is very frightening.

I have also had it in my chest - arms and legs and now keep getting it just below left rib.
I have had endless ultrsound and bowel tests just had colonsocpy and nothing.

Mt gp says its referred nerve pain from my spine but of course I panic and worry and when I have it it is so bad I am convinced I need to get to the hospital. Suddenly it will go like flicking a switch.

I am so frightened that they have missed something but my gp says not much left to check out on me. One minute I think its my stomach because its 3 yrs since last endoscopy but dr says I would be sick as well if it was stomach then I worry its my small bowel but surgeon had that all out on table so to speak and said no sign of any bowel disease it was compeltely normal but wherever the pain is I can find something that it might be.

I know nerve pain can be problem of both ms and fibromyalgia and spinal problems but I am finding it hard to cope and also believe.

Don't know what I am saying but you are all so understanding.

I doubt anyone else experiences pain like this . I am having yet another mri of lumbar and sacroilliac joints in a week.

Venus Calling
05-08-08, 18:45
I crushed some lower vertebrae in my spine three years ago and since that time I get nerve pain in my left leg dispite it being numb from the knee down. I also have problems with my neck and shoulders which causes referred pain also. I am riddled with arthritis!

No one can ever understand the pain someone else is in unless they go through it themselves. If you have had all the test you should rest assured - I have never had anything more than an x-ray as my doctor isn't one for sending you off for tests on a whim. Some pain can't be explained and it's just a case of dealing with it.

I have no idea how you stop nerve pain as it seems to come and go of it's own accord. Maybe just trying to relax more might help. I know since I have been practicing deep breathing relaxation I feel much calmer and able to cope better. I would try anything before resulting in pills but that's just me.

I know it's not always easy to stay positive but you must try, you mustn't bring yourself down it just makes matters feel worse. Post here often - having a moan really helps! :winks:

05-08-08, 23:39
Ahh,thats totally rubbish.If you feel like you need/want someone to talk to,add me at cheesewire@live.co.uk
I online alot and am pretty nice :)


Venus Calling
05-08-08, 23:49
'Ahh,thats totally rubbish'

What's 'pretty nice' about that?! :shrug:

06-08-08, 00:04
Well.It Is Totally Rubbish.Its Horrible.I Was Just Asking If SHe Wanted Someone To Talk To If She Feels Down.

Venus Calling
06-08-08, 00:57
So what is 'rubbish'? The pain she is going through or my post? I can empathise with Countrygirl - you on the other hand obviously can't or else you'd not have dismissed either post as 'rubbish' - how are you at 14 to know what she is going through and how much help and support do you think you can offer when your reaction to someone replying to her post is to say it is 'rubbish'?

Trust me - a tension headache despite being painful is low down on my scale of pain - nerve pain, arthritis, having babies or a spinal tap headache (and that's got nothing to do with heavy metal head banging!) are higher up - and I've had them all but I wouldn't for one minute dismiss the pain of anyone even if it was a stubbed toe. To be able to offer any form of support you're going to have to have some compassion. That's what people here do - share experiences and give support. You've got a lot to learn.

06-08-08, 08:16
Jupiter, I think that Cheesewire was trying to say that Country Girl's situation was totally rubbish. I don't think she was dismissing her pain or being rude about your post!:shrug:

Venus Calling
06-08-08, 10:23
If that's the case then perhaps he should try being a bit more eloquent :winks:

I apologise Cheesewire if I got the wrong end of the stick. :)

06-08-08, 10:24
hi countrygirl

i do know what you are going through. i have been told i have either spinalcord compression or ms. both are being investigated. my mobilty is absolutely shot. how is yours? at the moment i am more or less bed ridden. my anxiety is making it alot worse i'm sure, as all i do all day is think about itand having some horrendous symptoms.

i do think taht cheesewire mean't the situation your in is rubbish and is empathising with you and offering support

if you would like to chat that would be great

Julie :)

06-08-08, 10:59
Thanks everyone - I was a bit confused with cheesewire as well but think or hopefully think that meant my pain was rubbish not me!! thanks for all your support - the worry on top of pain is hell and I am sure makes pain worse.

I feel very anxious today all shaky and trembly the internal vibrations that we all know so well.

06-08-08, 12:15
Hey country Girl, Ms is treatable, it can not be cured but there are many excellent medications you can take to help you live your life as best you can.

Ms comes in a few degrees and nearly all people who have it live a normal life and live a life span like a person without MS.

I know a lumbar puncture might scare you but you will have to have one...the chances of them making a mistake are small pregnant women have eppidurals in their spine everyday.

Please find out so your Dr can treat you for MS if that's what you have.
Your Dr can tackle your pain that way. x x


06-08-08, 16:35
Oh god,I didn't mean it to sound like I was saying she was rubbish,I meant her situation was rubbish.I hope,countrygirl,that you start to feel better soon!

Sorry if i caused offence,I didnt mean to!

06-08-08, 17:06
Don't worry cheesewire i didin't take offense as I was certain you meant it the way you did but just you didn't explian yourself very well - easily done.