View Full Version : heart flutters, flip flops, sinking feelings, random missed beats, etc

05-08-08, 17:36
Never had this before my anxiety began two months ago. I used to maybe occasionally have a random missed beat or two beats coming too close and never thought anything of it cuz it was so rare and always went away.

but two months ago my health anxiety began with twitches all over my body that i always had, but began to get more...and thought it was related to my heart so i had a panic attack and when my heart did weird things during the attack...well things have gone downhill since then

yesterday and today i spent all my time worrying about my heart and felt it flutter a few times and have weird beats a few times...when i walk or do things my heart is fine....but ive been worrying about it and now i have random shotting pains, sinking feelings, missed beats and flutters and it's scaring me so much. i keep thinking this anxiety about my heart will wear is out and i'll die.

im only 19, never had any heart issues...have excellent BP and excellet cholesterols, tell me how to not woryr about my heart and please tell me that u guys get these heart things and that they wont kill me or hurt me

please help me im miserable this has taken over my lifeeeeeee. :weep: :weep: :scared15:

05-08-08, 19:14
please help me...

05-08-08, 19:57
i'm in the same boat as you been on a heart monitor always monitoring my bp today its been high i'm anxious because of that then i called my cardiologist to get my tdi paper signed then she told me i have to come in csuse i've been still showing heart beating fast. anyway so i got more worried and i go in today at 2pm so till then i'm trying to calm myself down. i know how you feel did yu go get your heart checked just so you cn be reassured mybe that will help. I'm also dizzzy so thats where my anxiety started. hope you feel better.

Cathy V
05-08-08, 19:59
Hi there. Sorry you are suffering so much anxiety over this but you are definately not alone with it, alot of us on here have the same thing, and if youve had the tests as you say then try to relax because the docs are right...yiour heart is fine ok? its a good heart and its behaving in a normal way in reaction to your stress and anxiety. Ive had these flutters and missed beats etc for many years and im still around. i know you dont want to hear that they can stay around so long, but sometimes you have to accept that this is your 'thing' in response to stress, just as some people have upset stomachs and have to run to the bathroom every 5 mins, and other people get migraines. Ectopics are our 'thing' and uncomfortable and as scary as they can be they will not hurt you....:D xxxx

05-08-08, 20:00
Hiya yanks

Firstly, it would be very very rare for you to have developed a heart condition at your age.

Palps are common, most people get them at some time, some notice them, many don't, but they are, for the most part, harmless.

If possible, can you see a GP, just for reassurance?

Here is a description from the BHF:

Most palpitations are quite harmless, although they
can be unpleasant and distressing. Everyone has
them at some time, including people without heart
disease. There are many causes of palpitation,
including fear, anger, physical activity, fever, stomach
upsets or drinking alcohol.


Cathy V
05-08-08, 20:09
...also, if you go into Active topics and choose posts for the last week, on page 6 you'll find a good post from Mikke about cardiologists explainations about these ectopics and flutters. It might help to make you feel a bit better about things.

Take care xxx

06-08-08, 15:23
I haven't had any tests on my heart- ever. My heart has never been a problem. It's just that I had a panic attack--and one day just began to worry about my heart, since then I've become obsessed and for no reason. I've have blood tests done and my BP taken and even when I was nervous, my BP was excellent. I never feel weak, tired, sick when I exercise or get chest pains etc that would be signs of heart issues when I exercise.

Idk whats happend to my thinking but I keep thinking something is gonna happent o my heart and since i started thinking this way, i began to have skipped beats, flutters and all that jazz.

sigh. thanks for the support guys

milly jones
06-08-08, 15:32
i get flutters, missed beats

i only really noticed since ive been anx, but it doesnt bother me.

ive read the advice on nmp and feel totally relaxed about it.

try not to worry

milly xxx