View Full Version : terrible indigestion and pain between the shoulder blades

05-08-08, 19:25
hi folks,im new here and thanks for helping peeps like me get help.i have been suffering for many years with the dreaded panic attacks.im on 10m citalopram which seem to be doingthe job,however my doctor said i might have a hiatus hernia when he was looking for something else.i keep suffering from a stabbing pain between my shoulders and chest discomfort,and guess what it sets off the dreaded panic etc.im drinking gaviscon by the gallon,any body else suffer like me.
dave, manchester

Venus Calling
05-08-08, 19:52
I get stabbing pains between my shoulders and chest pain but I was told mine was because of my neck and the sensations I get cause my panic attacks... I guessed mine wasn't my stomach because Gaviscon and heartburn tablets didn't make it go away. To be honest, I'm passed believing anything my doctor says as I'm sure she'll say anything to get rid of you!

05-08-08, 19:57
hi i had this for a week i went to see my doctor and it is radiated trapped wind i took some windeeze and has really helped it is so painful i hope this may help take care xx

05-08-08, 23:20
thanks for taking the time to reply,ill kep u informed,god bless you all xx

05-08-08, 23:26
I also get pain between my shoulder blades and in my chest. I have found that if I can relieve the tension in my back it nearly makes my chest pain go away. I got a massage pillow and it is working wonders!

My mother has a hietal hernia, and she swears that drinking ice water makes it stop hurting...

hope this helps,

06-08-08, 00:04
Hi hun :D:hugs:

I am sorry to hear how you are feeling hun, I know how painfull this can be.

I feel you need to go down the root to see if you have a hiatus hernia, when we know what we are dealing with, we can take postive pathways forward in dealing with it. Hiatus hernia can be treated hun, you can get meds from your gp, take foods and drinks away that trigger it. My mum has this, it does flair up from time to time, but she has it under contol now, with meds, (when she needs them) eating and drinking the right stuff.

When you suffer panic, high anxiety, this can allso trigger high levels of acid in the tummy, which then will reflux back up, this causes alot of pain, in the chest and becasue you become sooo tense with this pain, it causes the back muscles to tense up. My daughter suffered this for along time, had lots of test done, but hers was all down to panic, anxiety. The meds done not work for her, it was only when she learned to manege her anxiety, thats when this symptom got less and less. She still can have this from time to time, but she is doing really well now and it goes as quick as it comes these days:yesyes:

So hun, please try and find out what you are dealing with, hiatus hernia or anxiety, knowing what you are dealing with helps us move on a little.

Please let us know how you get on, keep posting, it helps to talk to people who understand